RPGing in Atlanta

Aug 30, 2006 11:15

Distracting myself from my being sick. I HATE being sick. Seems the healthyiest of us in this house is the one who needs taken care of totally (ie. Navarre)

I have lived in Atlanta for 4 1/2 years, met tons of cool people, but yet haven't managed to find anyone who runs a regular RPG group. So I thought to myself, I should start a group. I have a huge house with plenty of space And It's now really expensive to Go out on Friday nights because of the need for a babysitter. So RPG at My house seems like a good idea.

Next problem, I can't Run a game, I Suck at being the game master. I am a Horrible storyteller. I can contribute alot to games but I suck at tying all the threads together.

So here's my thought. Who would be interested in runn ing or playing in a RPG game on Friday nights at my house? Fridays because it's the only time I know I can stay up late that isn't likely to have regular commitments like saturday night would. As for the game, You tell me. I have been jonesing to play Marvel Superheros and I just found the books for the game online (they have been out of print for years). I also have books for Shadowrun, D&D all three versions, Rifts: some of the older books haven't checked if there are newer versions out. I Also have One book for one of the Star Wars RPG's, One deadlands book, I also have a bok called Terra Primate(?) Basically think Planet of the Apes as an RPG. I would also play about anything else.

So if anyone would be interested let me know.

PS. I would be happy to Cook dinner every friday night if people would be willing to toss a couple dollars at me for the fixings.
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