I recently rewrote the "Code" and even made a spiffy new graphic for it in the userinfo page. After doing so it dawned on me that I should post the new "Code" here aswell for those of use whose eyesight has seen better days.
1. Respect everyone. Flamers and disrespectful folks will not be tollerated. You break this rule and you will be made to walk the plank and be branded as such.
2. No posting of anything other than fiction responses to one of our challenges. If you want to address the community for any other reason, please ask on of us first. You'll find we are most cooperative.
3. Put all forms of fiction under a lj cut. If you don't know how to do this go
here. If you still don't understand how to do it, then just comment here or email me at muddkitty @ sbcglobal .net (minus the spaces).
4. You may post a response to any of our past challenges at any time. All I ask is that you label accordingly in your subject line. Just state the title of your piece and the challenge # you are responding to.
5. If you have a ficlet over 600 words, or a fic of length, even epic, you may post it here too, or link to where you have it posted, be that your personal journal or another community. You also do not have to make your challenge responses be an exact # of words. Example: It doesn't have to be exactly 100 words, 132, 176, or 1047 ect. is perfectly fine.
6. Absolutely no under age sexual description or pairings. Mentions of past sexual abuse for character development and or plot development is acceptable, but keep it discreet, for obvious reasons.
7. No WIP's (unfinished fics). If it is a multy chapter piece put links to ALL chapters in one single post please. I don't want to be mean, I just like a tidy ship that is easy to navigate.
8. Do not tag you posts. I will go back and do this myself.
9. Label all fiction according to this form:
The title of you piece and the challenge # you are responding to only.
Challenge #:
Word Count/Type of fic: (If its a drabble just the word count is fine, other fics just describe if its a ficlet, multy chapter fic or Epic)
Warnings/Ratings: (Slash, Het, Mpreg, Rape, Torture, Incest, ect. We are all adults but not all of us are offended by the same things.)
Authors Notes: (This is where you put a summary or whatever you want to say about your piece of fiction.)
Also if you are new (or have never posted) please feel free to introduce yourself when you post your response. I also don't mind a bit of chatter when you post your pieces too, just keep it from becoming a diary entry.
10. Most importantly, have fun and happy writing!
Well there you have it. Feel free to comment with questions of suggestions. If you don't feel comfortable commenting here then email me at muddkitty @ sbcglobal .net (minus the spaces).
Now go write!
Captains Oders!