
Apr 15, 2005 23:42

artofinsanity24: KC!
artofinsanity24: sorry
cryptwalker31389: -.-
artofinsanity24: but i really love the name
cryptwalker31389: -shrugs- ok then
artofinsanity24: its like me and kay
artofinsanity24: she hates the fact i call her kay
artofinsanity24: but i do it anyways
cryptwalker31389: lol
cryptwalker31389: thats not really what the face was for. jtysk
artofinsanity24: whats wrong
cryptwalker31389: mom's buggin me. and i still dunno if austin can go bowling tomorrow. i dont think he can........-eyeroll-
artofinsanity24: that sucks
cryptwalker31389: yeah. this whole week has been great but then tonight when i got home it all went down hill and i'm left standing here, telling the world to fuck off.
artofinsanity24: i knwo that feeling
cryptwalker31389: same here. all too well. -kicks-
artofinsanity24: it sucks don't it
artofinsanity24 signed on at 9:53:38 PM.
cryptwalker31389: hell yeah it does. i thought i was done feeling like that. for a while at least. damnit. stupid world.
artofinsanity24: me too!
artofinsanity24: god damn chemical romance wh yare they on
cryptwalker31389: :o!
artofinsanity24: i kmnow what will cheer you up
artofinsanity24: how about i transfer you DU by david hasselhoff
artofinsanity24: lmao
cryptwalker31389: what?
artofinsanity24: you knwo the dude from baywatch
artofinsanity24: he SINGS
cryptwalker31389: ew
artofinsanity24: its the msot pathetic song ever lol
cryptwalker31389: baywatch is for losers and horny men. lmao
artofinsanity24: i know
cryptwalker31389: wait. horny men usually are losers.
artofinsanity24: the song is actually from eurotrip
artofinsanity24: but whatever
cryptwalker31389: lol
artofinsanity24: its a joke
cryptwalker31389: ok
artofinsanity24: WHAT
artofinsanity24: WTF
cryptwalker31389: dude. you suck at life. MCR kicks your momma's ass and you KNOW it!
artofinsanity24: no
artofinsanity24: nto even close
artofinsanity24: they suck
artofinsanity24: green day rocks
cryptwalker31389: psht
artofinsanity24: audioslave rocks
artofinsanity24: Chilli peppers rock
cryptwalker31389: *psht to they suck, not greenday rocks*
artofinsanity24: placebo is better
artofinsanity24: and thats poretty bad
cryptwalker31389: pshaw
artofinsanity24: Hova Baby 411: my mom brought home tons of chocolate
artofinsanity24: chocolate as in it makes you fat ?
artofinsanity24: ;-) j/k
Hova Baby 411: ..
Hova Baby 411: now i feel fat
Hova Baby 411: i cant eat this
Hova Baby 411: feh
artofinsanity24: rotflmao
cryptwalker31389: thats mean
artofinsanity24: its her fault
artofinsanity24: she went on and on about how this dude called her fat today
cryptwalker31389: ok
artofinsanity24: then she starts talkign about the poound of chocalte shes going to eat
cryptwalker31389: ok
cryptwalker31389: that sounds good....
cryptwalker31389: i want cookies.
cryptwalker31389: thin mints.
artofinsanity24: lol
artofinsanity24: after eights
cryptwalker31389: huh?
artofinsanity24: nvm
cryptwalker31389: ok?
artofinsanity24: so have you and austin been otu yet
cryptwalker31389: no. he kinda cant. like. restrictions and stuff.
artofinsanity24: i see
cryptwalker31389: did you say anything after "i see"?
artofinsanity24: nope why lol
cryptwalker31389: becuase aim was all like "artofinsanity24 has entered text" and it usually doesnt stay like that forever, like it was doing
artofinsanity24: :-\
cryptwalker31389: lol
artofinsanity24 signed on at 10:24:12 PM.
artofinsanity24: i mgith fo accidentaly hit the space bar
cryptwalker31389: ah
artofinsanity24: ash's mind is i nthe gutter
artofinsanity24: *shakes head*
cryptwalker31389: i'm sorry?
cryptwalker31389: and mine isnt?
cryptwalker31389: -coughbowlingcough-
artofinsanity24: thats different
artofinsanity24: we talk abotu stuff like that
artofinsanity24: i don't talk abotu stuff liek that with ash
cryptwalker31389: lol i see
artofinsanity24: i said i'd do a job or favor for her if she did a job for me
artofinsanity24: amnd her midn went stright to the gutter
cryptwalker31389: lmao
artofinsanity24: i had forgoten about the bowling
artofinsanity24: and how much you suck at bowling lol
artofinsanity24: damn ruiend thew onversatiopn
artofinsanity24: again
cryptwalker31389: haha
cryptwalker31389: rofl wow.
cryptwalker31389: i could say more about that but i'm really really REALLY chosing not to because then you'd think badly of him when i doubt he'd think what i'd say......rofl
artofinsanity24: him?
cryptwalker31389: austin. -.- come on now.
artofinsanity24: what does he have to do with the bowling covnersation
artofinsanity24: besides the fact you said you were going bowling
cryptwalker31389: nothing. it doesnt matter. i was just gonna twist your words. nevermind. -hides-
artofinsanity24: no tell me
cryptwalker31389: no. i absolutely refuse because it wouldnt happen anyways.
artofinsanity24: say it
artofinsanity24: thsi i got to hear
cryptwalker31389: rofl.
cryptwalker31389: i'm not telling you.
cryptwalker31389: just give up now.
artofinsanity24: your my minion
artofinsanity24: and my employee i nthe mafia
artofinsanity24: i order you to say it
cryptwalker31389: -bursts out laughing- no!! you can't make me. well you probably can but i still wont. even if i promised to listen within this mafia, this is one time i'm disobeying you (that almost sounds kinky...)
artofinsanity24: casey... please... i beg you
artofinsanity24: if you tell me... i'll gvie you...
artofinsanity24: unlimtied guy advice!
artofinsanity24: cmon!
cryptwalker31389: no. i cant. its bad. its really really bad. on my part and on his image.
artofinsanity24: unlimited and un restricted guy advice... anything you want to know
cryptwalker31389: does that include all your little probles that you keep avoiding me with? lol
cryptwalker31389: no. i wont even then.
artofinsanity24: err sure
artofinsanity24: but you got to promise not to tell me
artofinsanity24: i'll do ANYTHING you want
cryptwalker31389: no!!! oh my god no.
artofinsanity24: ok mayben to anything
cryptwalker31389: i'm not telling.
artofinsanity24: but almsot anything
cryptwalker31389: it doesnt matter. you could frickin cast some spell on austin to make him take me to prom and i still wont tell.
artofinsanity24: you know i could probably offer you something better than that
artofinsanity24: but i value your personal opinion of me too highly to risk that
cryptwalker31389: and if that's what i'm thinkin, thats along the same lines of what i'm not telling you.
artofinsanity24 signed on at 10:53:28 PM.
cryptwalker31389: cryptwalker31389: and if that's what i'm thinkin, thats along the same lines of what i'm not telling you.
cryptwalker31389: ps, monday night:
cryptwalker31389: and austin monday night.
artofinsanity24: you pissed at the person behind the person taken the picture or something
cryptwalker31389: um .yeah. kinda. i didnt want dad takin any pics of me but he did anyways. lol.
cryptwalker31389: i got all selfconcience monday night, with austin there. haha
artofinsanity24: :-\
cryptwalker31389: usually i dont care how i look though.....seeing as how i'm a camerawhore but whatever lol
artofinsanity24: you know i think i'd really like to see your kibnky side unleashed but at the same tiem you scare me
cryptwalker31389: lmao really?
cryptwalker31389: you're not hearin it though. or readin.
artofinsanity24: thats ok
artofinsanity24: i'd still liek to see your kinyk side unleashed but probably never will
cryptwalker31389: -shrugs- this summer i was kinda not my usual self. rofl. all those big msn-hex chats we'd have. those were fun. xD
artofinsanity24: o0
cryptwalker31389: i think it all started when i almost typed in "kink arthur" instead of king, at
cryptwalker31389: i should go soon, though. mommas all like "nyer" and stuff. haha
artofinsanity24: nyer ? lol
cryptwalker31389: yeah. like. spastic "get off or your grounded" kinda thing goin on. haha
cryptwalker31389: and gettin grounded isnt good, since i've got -damnit i almsot did is again!!!!- BOWLing tomorrow, possibly with austin. -dance-
cryptwalker31389: if he ever calls me that is. -.-
artofinsanity24: you sure its just bowling
cryptwalker31389: SHUTTUP! i'm not gonna do that. first of all : EW and second of all, i'm not ready for anythin like that. gawd/
cryptwalker31389: specially since i've had *something* on my mind since this summer. >.>
artofinsanity24: lmao i was j/k
cryptwalker31389: i know you were
cryptwalker31389: but still. ew. lmao
artofinsanity24: lol i don't get girls and the othe r bowling.. but i won't explain that now
cryptwalker31389: i couldnt imagine...just....ew. no. X.x
artofinsanity24: exaclt my point!
cryptwalker31389: thats gross. i mean. would you wanna do that if you were a girl?
artofinsanity24: i know girls who would say yes to that question!
artofinsanity24: well i did
cryptwalker31389: well yeah some would, but would you if you were?
artofinsanity24: and no i'm serios she did
artofinsanity24: never thoguth about that
cryptwalker31389: didnt think so. lol
artofinsanity24: some girls get turned on by that... hence why i don't get girls an that
cryptwalker31389: -shrugs- everyone's different.
cryptwalker31389: see, i dont get what it is with guys and having to watch swimsuit models and miss america, and all that bullshit. and having to see the chick naked. i mean. i can just see the guys face and i'm fine with that. but no most of you all have to see breasts and anything else. rofl
artofinsanity24: i dont'; watch swimsuit models of miss america
artofinsanity24: if a girl is walkign down the street naked then well that soemthgi nelse but...
artofinsanity24: and it actually depends
cryptwalker31389: well i didnt know if you did but both my dad and brother do. which is thoroughly disturbing.....
cryptwalker31389: but. you get my point?
artofinsanity24: yes i do
cryptwalker31389: ok. good.
artofinsanity24: but your contradictign yourself
artofinsanity24: you said yourself
artofinsanity24: you like it when gusy check you out
artofinsanity24: it boost your ego
cryptwalker31389: but i'm not walkin around in a frickin swimsuit or nothing at all!
cryptwalker31389: thats the difference.
artofinsanity24: doesn't matter
cryptwalker31389: no, it does. i'm clothed and models arent.
artofinsanity24: and so what if a girl wants to use her body to sell a product
artofinsanity24: its nto liek guys don';t do it
artofinsanity24: and you girls lvoe them for it!
cryptwalker31389: i think its kinda gross when guys do because then they get all beefed up and steroided and its GROSS. i dun like muscley guys so much. i mean a little muscle is good but if its like. BAM i can like 300000000000 x infinite pounds muscle, i dont like it.
cryptwalker31389: and guy models are pussies anyways.
cryptwalker31389: (i cant believe i'm arguing with you voer this, rofl)
artofinsanity24: lol me neither
cryptwalker31389: i'd never have thought i'd have an argument like this, let alone with you. xD
artofinsanity24: what abotu actors!
artofinsanity24: brad pitt... johnny deeps
artofinsanity24: ORLANDO BLOOM!
cryptwalker31389: actors actually do something. its called ACTING! get used to it.
i dun like brad or orlando.
now. johnny on the other hand.......-giggleblush-
cryptwalker31389: and its depp. not deeps. lmao
artofinsanity24: whatever!
artofinsanity24: i provved my point
artofinsanity24: well you did it for me
cryptwalker31389: what? with one actor? wtf?! he ACTS too. ok? i love him and i love his acting. not all ACTORS i love because their hot. like frickin nicholas cage. so NOT hot but a WONDERFUL actor.
artofinsanity24: but the other way around too
cryptwalker31389: huh?
artofinsanity24: you liek actos also for hwo they look and nto act
cryptwalker31389: no i dont.
artofinsanity24: jkust as you like soem for actign andn ot looks
cryptwalker31389: if an actor sucks at acting, i hate him through and through.
artofinsanity24: sure...
artofinsanity24: what abotu an ok actor who you think is hot
cryptwalker31389: thats still liking him for his acting, and his looks.
artofinsanity24 signed on at 11:23:34 PM.
cryptwalker31389: thats still liking him for his acting, and his looks.
artofinsanity24: but hes a crappy actor@
cryptwalker31389: if he's a shitty actor i dont like him at all.
cryptwalker31389: like. ok. dan for instance (dan radcliffe). such a total n00b at acting. yeah he can be hot but i dont like him in the least bit. i think they could have gotten at least a better actor for harry's part, despite the fact that dan is harry potter.
artofinsanity24: lol anwyays os back to bowling
artofinsanity24: j/k
cryptwalker31389: lmao
cryptwalker31389: bowling or bowling?
artofinsanity24: you pick
cryptwalker31389: hahaha
cryptwalker31389: do you have sbs?
artofinsanity24: sbs?
cryptwalker31389: slippery ball(s) syndrome
cryptwalker31389: xD
artofinsanity24: =-O:-\=-O
artofinsanity24: wtf?
cryptwalker31389: ok its like. when youre bowling (the actual game) and you get gutter balls. we dubbed that sbs. lmao
artofinsanity24: ok my mind was i nthe gutter
artofinsanity24: gutter*
cryptwalker31389: yes
cryptwalker31389: wow. pun not funny.
artofinsanity24: i know
artofinsanity24: i didn't mean it
artofinsanity24: it just came out
cryptwalker31389: i'm sure. :P
artofinsanity24: it did
cryptwalker31389: ok. you just keep tellin yourself that.
artofinsanity24: its true!
artofinsanity24: i swear
cryptwalker31389: ok
artofinsanity24: puns aren't really my thing
cryptwalker31389: i bleieve you
artofinsanity24: my skills with the english languages is in other areas
cryptwalker31389: true. i can never get puns out except on accident.
artofinsanity24: so where do your skills with the english language lay
cryptwalker31389: biggesh words. poetical words. words that make my stories flow prettily. making words up words.
artofinsanity24: lol
cryptwalker31389: well. anyways. i should get off. go switch my clothes. maybe get a shower...or maybe i'll do that tomorrow morning. -shrugs- whenever. lol
artofinsanity24: lol
cryptwalker31389: finish writing todays note to austin that he may or may not get tomorrow...go to sleep.
artofinsanity24: bowling... shower... lol we suck ... (ok i SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN THAT LAST suck part)
cryptwalker31389: >.< there you go again!!! putting those two words together >.<
cryptwalker31389: -smacks her forhead- gah
cryptwalker31389: well i'll talk to ya later. buh bye <3
artofinsanity24: bye

lmao. that was a fun convo. i heart will. xD
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