There is no title to describe it.

Mar 15, 2006 18:23

I just realized something.

Matt is SUCH AN UKE.

Not that I would know or anything (O_o;; *twitch*), but...just the way he acts! He would be a natural uke!

I'm going to die and burn. Or, as the Iraqi Information Minister would say, God will roast my stomach in hell.

Anyway, onto other things.

I met a very nice boy when I was waiting for my mom. We talked randomly. And he said I was pretty (in what I took to be a platonic way). That made me really, really happy because nobody has ever just randomly called me pretty before, besides an adult or someone else who'd never say otherwise.

I hope he wasn't hitting on me, though. That would really suck. As in, it'd ruin a nice platonic thing. ^_^

And after he left I was talking to this tree I wait under sometimes. No, really. To people who go to Chamblee, the tree I'm talking about(/to) is at the end of School Street. It's a magnolia, and for some reason I consider it to be "my" tree. For example, I talk to it. I do. About all sorts of random stuff. And I always stand under it if it's raining. And say thanks for letting me stay here. I'm so weird.

Oh! And MADD came in today and showed the most effective educational video I have EVER seen. It was so good. And I got a red silicon bracelet reading "Choose Courage".

What else. Hmm.

Oh yeah, I'm going to join SADD tomorrow, I hope, maybe after GSA.

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