February 2005

Jan 10, 2008 17:10

It was manemaki[1], wasn’t it

Konnichiwawa is a small-sized dog! Doumo, Piroshi desu lol (^o^)

Iya… The cold days continue (‘~’;) The cold spell is really chilly. Everyone, please do take care not to get a cold! ちなみに俺は毎日めちゃめちゃ着込んでモコモコしてます、it's very hot in the train... (*_*)

Come to think of it today is Setsubun[2] o(^-^)o We did manemaki at the practice hall! みんな大はしゃぎしてました!I can't say that I put so much でん六豆[3] in my mouth (lol). でん六豆 are tasty, ne (*^_^*)

Chasing away bad things at the practice hall with the beans, yosh! I'll work hard too at tomorrow's practice. Bye!

2005-02-04 00:30

[1] 豆まき, scattering parched beans to drive out evil spirits.

[2] 節分

[3] denroku.co.jp

2 o'clock at late night

Right now it is 2am, I am reading the script... Iya, so sleepy... The Sleep Demon vs Piroshi~ Sleep Demon vs~~~ Piroshi~~ This is Piroshi who is being beaten by the Sleep Demon 7:3 o(-.-) Goodnight (oi!)

Nights are cold! The cold is all this diary talks about (lol) Iya... to think it's actually spring (T_T) Speaking of spring, フキノトウを思い出す田舎者です! Ah, and speaking of spring, the previous entry talked about でん六豆, でん六豆 comes from Yamagata, ne ('_';) This is something that many don't know, surprisingly. 東京じゃメジャーじゃないんだぁと思い、やっぱ田舎者から 抜け出せてねぇと実感しました。山形じゃ超メジャー! 「豆~のでん六♪♪(CM)」

Ehto, now for a change of topic,

thank you, everyone, for the fan letters! I've read all of them, over and over again to the extent where i can easily memorize them (eh?) I'm reading this late at night, after all (lol). Your support really makes me happy! I'll return this power on stage (^o^)v I'll answer everyone's questions and support on this diary! Please continue to look after this Piroshi who will keep trying his best!

I'm off to bed to prepare for tomorrow's rehearsal! Goodnight~

2005-02-08 20:47

Today it's a cookie

摩起-chan brought candy to the practice hall. Tastyyy~ (BTW, the photo is of a cookie.)

At age seventeen it's not really a big deal, but occasionally I still eat candy. And to think I used to hate sweets... This is Piroshi who is relaxed today~ Konnichiwa m(_ _)m

It's as cold as ever! Cold cold cold (ToT)(ToT)(ToT) How many times has this been mentioned on this dairy, I wonder.... Hm? Wasn't Piroshi born in the snowy city of Yamagata, you ask? (・▽・) Yes, usually people from Yamagata wouldn't be affected. But in my case, I'm weak against the cold, I dislike heat, in spring I fear pollen allergies, in autumn I worry about dryness...... Is my body really that weak Σ( ̄□ ̄;) Basically, my body's really selfish (lol) And so I will continue to talk about the cold~ d( ̄ー+ ̄) Sparkle ☆☆

Now then, I'll try to answer everyone's questions little by little. The questions that are most asked!

Q. What is Piroshi's favourite item?

Favourite item! Actually, like Naoya-san, it's pudding (-_-*) Also, tofu and natto and kimchi and the okonomiyaki at Osaka's 風月[1] (lol). Adding kimchi to tofu, putting kimchi into natto, eating tofu pudding; I enjoy mixing my food! (Happiness~) Speaking of which, Naoya-san can talk about pudding for a whole day... I'll be careful about that (-.-;) (You guys be careful too! If you mention questions like "About puddings~" at live events... well... it'll become a pudding live event.)

Q. What name should I call Hiroshi-kun?

Hai! Piroshi, of course. Actually, the one who gave me this alias was Mizuki-san who is in "Jiyuu to iu na no Reeru"[2]. Before that i was also in a musical with Mizuki-san, at that time it was gloriously decided~

Mr. Mizuki: Hey! Piroshi!
Piroshi: Yesssss!

So, please feel free to casually call me "Piroshi" ☆ I'll also casually answer back with "Ouh!" (`ε´)っ ...Or maybe I'll get embarrassed and curl up. But I'll still feel glad~

That's all for today!

Taken at the Jimoto station ↓ I may have written a lot for today's diary.

2005-02-13 00:49

[1] Restaurant previously mentioned in Piroshi's Osaka report.

[2] 「自由という名のレール」It seems like the play Piroshi is currently rehearsing for.


Rehearsal today was pishipishi[1] (lol). I'm working hard! (TwT) O~sh! High spirit! Animal! Ugah!!! (`□´*) Osh! Recharge complete. With this I can face tomorrow easily!! (lol) Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet, doumo Piroshinu desu~[2]

Yesterday was Valentines Day, ne~ Yesterday and today, from all the presents and letters I received everyone's strength. Thank you very much! As usual I carefully read the letters at night, each and every one. I was very moved! Don! …ポワ~ンって感じ(笑) I say this all the time, but, I will return this strength on stage by double!

Lately all my time has been eaten up by rehearsals that I forgot about Valentines Day. ...No, really!! ...I may have actually thought about it once about a week ago, but in the end I still forgot. After I woke up from last night's sleep I turned on the TV and was reminded this morning (lol). That's why, about the previous day's entry... Now that I think about it, it's a little uncomfortable, and embarrassing (candy? What kind of kid are you...). Oh well! In the end it's alright~~ (lol)

Soon it'll be the performance for Jiyuu, and at the same time in March rehearsals for "Communication" that Watasomething Eriko-san[3] is also starring in! Recently I was interviewed by Top Stage-san and enthusiastically talked a lot, so please check out this month's edition of Top Stage~ See you~

2005-02-16 00:33

[1] ビシビシ

[2] Piroshi + inu (dog) = Piroshinu XD

[3] 渡辺えり子

In the last spurt

Konnichiwawan~ Doumo, this is Piroshi the 3rd ( ̄ー ̄) The diary has been neglected! I've been dead.... That's because the performance for "Jiyuu to iu na no Reeru" is approaching, everyday is spent furiously rehearsing! Hyaa, exhausting ;;; Lately I've been sleeping on the train with the alarm on. ...When the brain and body has been worked I sleep like a log (-"-;)(-.-)zzZ The train really is a great cradle ☆☆ Plus I won't miss my stop sleeping with the alarm... Nice train![1]

A Korean by the name of TEYO came to the practice hall! Actors and staff members all gathered together, it was a good atmosphere. TEYO is a nice guy! He's[2] really interesting! I communicated with him in English, when he actually could understand me I was really happy! But on the down side, since I've been communicating in English, I'm also saying things like "yes" or "OK" to my friends... People around me, please accept it ☆

Anyway, today we'll be working hard in preparation for the big day! Everyone, please look forward to it (^v^)o

Photo was taken this morning, at the practice hall lobby ↓

2005-02-23 16:26

[1] Written in Katakana XD;;

[2] There's no real indication about this person's gender, but it sounds like a guy, so.

Piroshi && Bacchi[1]!

Konnichiwawan~ Yes! Doumo doumo Piroshi desu!

Yesterday was Star Chat TV[1]! Iya, I was nervous (*^v^*) Before it began I was feeling unconfident about speaking for a full one and a half hours, but once it started I realised it was really fun talking with you guys, the fans~ Talking about hot cakes[2] and singing a duet with Bacchi (today someone from Jiyuu to iu na no Reeru came to rescue this lonely Piroshi, that person was Bacchi~), Piroshi singing solo... I talked a lot, naa. Thank you, everyone who came! Speaking in real time[3] was really fun ☆ I feel like doing it again sometime!

Soon it'll be the big day for Jiyuu to iu na no Reeru! Here's to trying our best for the grand opening~ (^^)

2005-02-25 21:56

[1] スターチャットTV

[2] Pancakes. For some reason they're called hot cakes in Japan.

[3] I assume he means speaking live.

Long time no update XD Right, now i'm off to translate Matsuoka Yuuki's nachural interview! Not that anyone would care, really |D;;

[Edit] Done! For those interested, head over here for some Kaneda love :)
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