1.Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Grace Royer!
2. Who do you blame for your mood today?
Kofi Annan
3. Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yes, lying in the street after being hit by a car...
4. What should we do w/ stupid people?
Put them to work.
5. How long do you think you will live?
6. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Ate breakfast.
7. What's the carpet look like in your room?
I can't see the carpet, it's underneath all my shiz.
8. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
9. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Chris and Danny
10. Are you spoiled?
Only because I deserve it.
11. Do you drink lots of water?
not as much as some people.
12. What toothpaste do you use?
13. How do you vent your anger?
I take a pill
14. The last compliment you received?
A girl came up to me today and said, "Hey were you in "Titus"?...you were really good, actually you were amazing!"
15. Do you look more like your mother or father?
16. When was the last time you threw up?
A week ago, only a little bit in my mouth after eating meat pie
17. Is/are your best friend(s) a good friend?
18. What theme does your room have?
Scooby-doo, post-modern, child of the 70s
20. Are you a momma's child or a daddy's girl?
Momma's boy
21. Would you ever join the military?
Yes, I actually considered it.
22. The last website you visited?
23. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Mary and Sonia
24. What was the last show you've been to?
umm...I don't know
25. Last person you went to the movies with?
26. The last person you stared at?
Really obscenely hot, omg I go to a fucking school filled with models, girl at the dining hall
27. Number of layers on your bed?
28. Is anything alive in your room?
i have a roommate, and there are faint signs of life
29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
Forward, not back...plz not back!
31. What is your current goal to achieve?
Survive, do well on my Spanish essay.
32. How is your hair?
In need of a cutting.
33. What is your current worry?
Why are my eyes burning...? Am I fat..? I wanna go home.
34. Do you have plans for spring break?
Italy would be nice...
---------PAST 24 HOURS HAVE YOU------
Cried: no
Worn jeans: yes
Met someone: yes
Done laundry: no
Talked on the phone: yes
Kissed someone: no
Said I love you: yes, very quickly
--------------D0 Y0U BELiEVE iN-------------
Yourself: that is all there is
Your friends: sometimes
Tooth Fairy: no
--------WHiCH iS BETTER----------
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Mint chocolate chip
Coke or Pepsi:
Love or Lust:
Sprite or 7UP:
Scruff or Clean:
Blondes or Brunettees:
Tall or Short:
tall, but not taller than me
Movie or dinner:
movie and dessert
Night or Day:
day, daytime gives me hope
-------WiTH THE 0PP0SiTE SEX------
What do you notice first:
lips. smile.
What personality trait draws you to them:
Funny. strange. outgoing.
----------THE LAST TiME Y0U...-----
10 min. from now.
Pre-calc junior year because I was bored and wanted to see if I could make myself cry.
Who makes you laugh?:
Stephen Colbert
Has a crush on you?:
no one.
-------WH0 WAS THE LAST PERS0N...---------
You talked to on the phone?:
You messaged:
You kissed:
You hugged: