Ooh, Doctor! You Sonic-ed her!

May 17, 2010 21:10

Well, it looks like I've been here pretty often lately. Most of it is for the fandom communities here. (And I miss glassbomb !) I've been keeping up on Doctor Who like it's my job. And I have been keeping my eye on the Dragon Age: Origins comms. (Yay for mood themes!)

I am loving this new season with Eleven! Amy Pond is awesome and with the recent episode "Amy's Choice" I almost want to ship the three of them together. :3 And thanks to Ms_prue's Siren's Call I kind of maybe also ship Eleven/TARDIS. Ahem.

But to be completely honest, I want to ship Eleven/Amy so badly. Whether it is fortunate or not, I have only really been with Doctor Who while RTD has been writing for it. Now that Moffat's in charge, I think I'm still looking for the same things, even when I know this season's quite different. Therefore I've had a strange mixture of small disappointments and wonderful surprises. ♥ It's a bit odd to see Rory bring in so much awesome, but I really dig it. I love those two, but I still want more Eleven & Amy moments like the forest scene in "Flesh and Stone."

I don't have much to report other than I'll probably be finishing my undergrad in like, 3 more years. D: My major/dept. is small and so very important classes that are offered only once a year are now going to be offered once every other year. I'm going to be here forever, I swear. :P
I am trying to plan on keeping myself busy for summer time. I do not do very well with too much idle time. I will be taking a math class over the summer. I would take a whole quarter here for the summer except I honestly don't have the cash necessary and summer financial aid is a bitch.

How is everyone else doing? Is anyone still on LJ these days?

school crap, eleventh doctor, return of the meg, amy pond, doctor who

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