Souji Seta -
socialinking Status - Friend/Leader
Partner - None
"Souji-senpai, leader of the Investigation Team and head of SEES within Death City. Still reliable as always, but he seems almost listless recently. He's experienced plenty during his stay, some of which, I feel I shouldn't inquire about."
Yosuke Hanamura -
lets_go_partner Status - Friend (Mostly)
Partner - Jade Harley
"The point at which we both come from differs greatly. Despite that, he's still Yosuke-senpai meaning he can be frustrating to deal with, but tolerable other times. Still, our relationship seems to be normal in terms of friends."
Kanji Tatsumi -
topgun_textiles Relationship - Friend (???)
Partner - None
"Still a complex individual. Something about his behavior is strange, but normal now. I'll give him time to settle into Death City before involving him in anything."
Ryotaro Dojima -
smokersona Relationship - Fellow Detective/Souji-senpai's Uncle
Partner - Roy Mustang
"I see him on occasion, but he's been keeping to himself. I can't blame him... after everything he's endured in Death City and the whole incident with Adachi. I don't know how a person recovers from that."
Minato Arisato -
arisatominato Relationship - Partner / Canon - Persona 3
"My Meister and roommate in Death City. Reliable, but he has a problem with women. I wish it was a fear of them. He enjoys eating, sleeping, and listening to his MP3 player."
Raidou Kuzunoha -
timelessummoner Relationship - Co-Worker (Agent) / Canon - Devil Summoner: Soulless Army
Partner - Alucard
"Kuzunoha-san is a detective in his world and over one year my senior. I've told him about Personae and he, in turn, told me about Demons. They almost sound one in the same; I do want to investigate this phenomena further."
Fuuka Yamagishi -
ohmyjuno Relationship - Co-Worker (Secretary) / Canon - Persona 3
Partner - Colette Brunell
"Often soft-spoken, Yamagishi-san is a competent individual. She's from Iwatodai and also a Persona-User. Just from this, I believe she may have been involved with Arisato-san as well. I'll inquire him later about it."
Miles Edgeworth -
mr_fancy_car Relationship - Co-Worker (Boss) / Canon - Ace Attorney
Partner - None
"Elegant best describes Edgeworth-san. His partner and father have recently left so his mood has been morose, but it's improving... slightly."
Franziska Von Karma -
histrionicflair Relationship - Co-Worker / Canon - Ace Attorney
Partner - None
"Von Karma-san is an odd woman to say the least. All about perfection which is something I can admire, but who thought it was a good idea to allow her access to a whip? At least the office stays in order..."
Leo -
lionborn Relationship - Sparring Partner / Canon - Fire Candy
Partner - None
"Leo-san is very confusing. He doesn't like Shibusen, but he's not acting out like other individuals. Apparently, he has heightened senses, but still cannot tell I'm a girl. He thinks my chest has been injured this whole time. I'm not looking forward to the pending discussion about this since he does appear to have trust issues."
Yukari Takeba -
loverslink Relationship - Neutral / Canon - Persona 3
Partner - None
"I met her once and haven't spoken to her again. Anyway, she's one of the girls that Arisato-san was chasing after back home. Her appearance made everything complicated. Actually, I'm glad; he was driving me nuts with his talk about harems. This is exactly why they commonly fail in most modern societies."
Lili Rochefort -
donttelldaddy Relationship - Distain / Canon - Tekken
Partner - None
"A girl Arisato-san had been previously pursuing who I hope he doesn't try again. Her anarchic behavior annoys me to no ends. She wants to go home, but she doesn't want to help others. I'm keeping an eye on her; certain individuals she's befriending (if it can be called that much) are more dangerous than I believe she understands."
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