lunaleigh and I are thinking about adopting an adult cat from the local shelter. We'll ask our landlord about it next week to make sure he's cool with that.
Cat advice: keep the litter box clean, or train them to go outside (not an easy task, usually accomplished via a very nasty and stinky litter box for 6 months). Cats love you on their own terms....they'll tell you when its ok to pet, rub, etc or not...they can be temperamental lil things. Boy cats or girl cats? My boy cats always wined a lot during the day, but that was girl cats turned into whiney whores (and they were fixed) who kept the entire neighborhood up with their demands that no one be allowed to sleep.
Comments 5
lunaleigh and I are thinking about adopting an adult cat from the local shelter. We'll ask our landlord about it next week to make sure he's cool with that.
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