Title: My Heart is Filled with You Fandom: FT ISLAND Author: blahchiharu Characters/pairing: Seunghyun/Minhwan Rating: G wordcount: ~3500 Summary: Seunghyun brings kittens home. Glaring negligence ensues.
i love love love this ;3.. i can so imagine this happening :P.. okay so Bob (the name) literally cracked me up ;3.. bwahhaha ;D this is just too cute and fluffy<333!!
I wrote one a couple of years back when Wonbin was still a part of FTI, so when I dabbled back into FTI fandom I was almost expecting there would be more fics :c
SeunghHwan is definitely becoming my otp after that video of them sharing a bed :)
I honestly haven't seen enough of Jonghun to get his character down. I've been trying to catch up with FTI media by looking for fti subs on yt, but there really aren't that much :c I just feel like the FTI fandom isn't very active most of the time.
I awww'd for the first time already when I read the summary. Seunghyun bringing kittens home! :3
I was already loving it by this point but this definitely did it for me... “Abuse them with your glaring negligence?” Minhwan finishes for him, recalling the time that Seunghyun stepped on the family next door’s escapee rabbit. The little girl had mustered a shriek that Minhwan hasn’t heard since the last time he went to a SHINee concert and witnessed two fangirls fitting over the last autographed Taemin poster. You are such a good writer with such a great imagination it's hard not to fall in love with your fics.
And of course Seunghyun would name one of them Bob XD
I loved the way you also portrayed Seunghyun's and Minhwan's little relationship, especially with the last two sentences :)
Comments 53
i can so imagine this happening :P..
okay so Bob (the name) literally cracked me up ;3.. bwahhaha ;D
this is just too cute and fluffy<333!!
Thanks for reading!
I absolutely love this one ♥ SeungHwan is one of my fav FTI couples ♥
“Mmm?” Minhwan says, feeling Seunghyun’s body shift against his.
“Jaejin may be Carly’s favorite, but you’ll always be mine.”
“Okay,” Minhwan replies and falls asleep.
Loving this part forever ♥
SeunghHwan is definitely becoming my otp after that video of them sharing a bed :)
Thanks for reading!
I hope you like JongKi as well :P
I honestly haven't seen enough of Jonghun to get his character down. I've been trying to catch up with FTI media by looking for fti subs on yt, but there really aren't that much :c I just feel like the FTI fandom isn't very active most of the time.
I was already loving it by this point but this definitely did it for me... “Abuse them with your glaring negligence?” Minhwan finishes for him, recalling the time that Seunghyun stepped on the family next door’s escapee rabbit. The little girl had mustered a shriek that Minhwan hasn’t heard since the last time he went to a SHINee concert and witnessed two fangirls fitting over the last autographed Taemin poster. You are such a good writer with such a great imagination it's hard not to fall in love with your fics.
And of course Seunghyun would name one of them Bob XD
I loved the way you also portrayed Seunghyun's and Minhwan's little relationship, especially with the last two sentences :)
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