Title: Meet Me in Sootopolis Fandom: Pokemon Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Steven/Cynthia Rating: G wordcount: ~1000 Written for jongshin for pkmnficxchange's holiday exchange.
This fic took my breath away! It's so calm and understated, the gentle little ways that Cynthia and Steven change both together and apart. You have some really great lines in here, like "Sometimes she wonders why they are both so engrossed in the past when they should be looking towards the future." and "Her reputation as the unyielding champion of Sinnoh grows with every passing day, and she can no longer distinguish passion from obligation."
I think what lures me most about this fic is how they're very IC, but also a little like jigsaw puzzles that don't quite fit-and have to grow up enough until they do. The ending is just perfect. Steven is so humble and awkward in a way that's disarmingly charming. Cynthia is so focused but also a little lost, and you really write her well. I like the way the things that make them (and ultimately all champions) the same shine through each character in subtly different ways.
I REALLY LIKED THIS FIC, in short. I'm sorry this reply is so late, but awesome job!!
Comments 5
I think what lures me most about this fic is how they're very IC, but also a little like jigsaw puzzles that don't quite fit-and have to grow up enough until they do. The ending is just perfect. Steven is so humble and awkward in a way that's disarmingly charming. Cynthia is so focused but also a little lost, and you really write her well. I like the way the things that make them (and ultimately all champions) the same shine through each character in subtly different ways.
I REALLY LIKED THIS FIC, in short. I'm sorry this reply is so late, but awesome job!!
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