Title: Fight For Felines Fandom: B.A.P Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Daehyun/Jongup Rating: PG Wordcount: ~5k Summary: Daehyun works at a cat café and bullies Jongup into repaying his debt with human labor. AU.
wow, i really really liked this. like daejong. DAEJONG. DAEJONG WITH ANIMALS. DAEJONG WITH CATS. MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS. (men with animals are only slightly less heart-wrenching than men with babies. and everyone remembers bap with babies ;__________;)
i loved jongup's entire characterization and him being a puppy is the most accurate thing ever, wow how have i not realized this before. himchan, zelo, and froggie are the best.
hyosung at the end is great. i loved her and daehyun's embarassment. AND DAEHYUN CRYING OVER CATS. baby! yeah completely loved this fic!!!!<3
I'm glad you liked it!! Daekitty and Jongpup's personalities were so fun to write, and lmao I loved writing about Zelo giving Himchan shit for his frog :')) Hyosung is my favorite and if possible, I would write her into every fic just to troll B.A.P.
Oh gods, this was adorable. I was a bit worried at first about the cats, but this was the perfect amount of fluffy cuteness. And I loved that all the names of the cats in the cafe are B.A.P references. Usually I catch that kind of thing right away, but I was a third of the way in this story before I figured it out. It was really cute, I really liked it!
messy scribbles and an empty page with I’M SO CONFUSED written in large handwriting oh god, jongup you precious little thing. "Just play with the cats, Hyung." SO. PRECIOUS. (AND HIS MELON TOO, lmao. i love it.) oh god, and daejae being dumb and gross boys, crying. xD;; THE ONLY CLEAN SPOON.
Himchan worked everyone to an inhumane degree, even after Jongup made sad faces at him-how do i say, i love your jongup so much. .__.♥ his brain's so sideways but he's not stupid, he's just special. and his leaps of logic are perfect. (ofc it will work i saw it on tv kjakjhjkhkjawe)
“When you two are done being emotional,” Youngjae says, pointing his thumb out of the backroom. AND THEN YOUNGJAE'S JUST LIKE, EH. MY FRIENDS ARE DUMB, jfc your boys are so cute. not to mention the cats. but like, the caaats. (HIME♥) I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. ._____.♥
Jongup's perpetual :D? face makes me so happy. lol at Jongup's melon. I actually thought you were using melon as a metaphor for his head but then I control-f'ed my own fic and realized that I did write a melon in |DDDD And Daejae's spoon THINK OF THEIR GENEROSITY.
The cats were my favorite things about this fic :')
IDK WHY I'M COMMENTING ON THIS SINCE I'VE QUOTED THIS FIC TO YOU BEFORE but I feel like I should xD wah this was posted before I went crazy and so reading it again gives me so much more feels the second time around (even though the first time around gave me feels too) KITTY DAEEEEEHYUN, singing when he thinks nobody's listening, leaving JUICE BOXES out for Jongup asl;dfkjgslkdfjgh ♥ generous Daejae giving Jongup the only clean spoon, I will forever reference that in future conversations. SNARKY JUNHONG WILL NOT DROP THE FROGGIE ISSUE (ahaha was Junhong even your bias at that time? I feel like you wrote Daeup bc those 2 were your faves at the time or something?) ALSO your Jongup voice is so good, it's like not too derpy but it has it's own special Jongup logic, how to Jongup voice @_@??? YAY I finally commented and I see my name kekeke I forgot about that
Comments 56
i loved jongup's entire characterization and him being a puppy is the most accurate thing ever, wow how have i not realized this before. himchan, zelo, and froggie are the best.
hyosung at the end is great. i loved her and daehyun's embarassment. AND DAEHYUN CRYING OVER CATS. baby! yeah completely loved this fic!!!!<3
Thank you for reading!
messy scribbles and an empty page with I’M SO CONFUSED written in large handwriting oh god, jongup you precious little thing. "Just play with the cats, Hyung." SO. PRECIOUS. (AND HIS MELON TOO, lmao. i love it.) oh god, and daejae being dumb and gross boys, crying. xD;; THE ONLY CLEAN SPOON.
Himchan worked everyone to an inhumane degree, even after Jongup made sad faces at him-how do i say, i love your jongup so much. .__.♥ his brain's so sideways but he's not stupid, he's just special. and his leaps of logic are perfect. (ofc it will work i saw it on tv kjakjhjkhkjawe)
“When you two are done being emotional,” Youngjae says, pointing his thumb out of the backroom. AND THEN YOUNGJAE'S JUST LIKE, EH. MY FRIENDS ARE DUMB, jfc your boys are so cute. not to mention the cats. but like, the caaats. (HIME♥) I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. ._____.♥
The cats were my favorite things about this fic :')
this fic is my fave bap fic so far. :3
so cute!
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