((Because I don't know if I'll be around much on actual Christmas day, here's what Pitch has given everyone for Christmas. If I've forgotten anyone, drop a note and I'll tell you what Pitch got for them. Feel free to have your characters react in this post.))
mega_bluebomber - a ticket to see a movie. Pitch also notes that he has one for the same showing.
betterthanhim - a set of thick red blankets.
pale_ash - a tupperware filled with fried chicken and rice, made by Pitch himself.
frypanofdoom - a box of colored pencils, a pad of paper, and a note saying: "I don't know if your programming has any art skills in it, but it might be fun to try anyway."
cartoon_light - a box of his favorite tea and a plate of homemade cookies.
To everyone else - little plates with the same kind of homemade cookies he made for Dr. Light.
Pitch has so far received a green baseball cap from Proto, fuzzy bunny slippers from Mega, cookbooks from Ashu, and
armor from Dr. Light.