jamie2109 has written a heartbreaking Harry/Draco that you should all read. Please Don't Ask me, PG-13. Fucking beautiful.
I'm such a Neville whore, and I do love jedirita's WIP, Becoming Neville. She updates twice every week, which is just the way WIPs work best for me. Beautifully written, Harry/Neville, a mild R.
hpvalensmut is fun as always, and yesterday I enjoyed Walking Through A Garden. Harry/Draco, Harry/Charlie, NC-17 and rather sweet, all around :)
Such an odd concept, but I completely fell for Two If By Sea by RaeWhit. I'd actually read and enjoyed other stories of hers before, but didn't recognise her name. Anyway, the summary is: Harry spends a summer away from the Wizarding world, working for Severus Snape, neither of them aware of the other's heritage. Their collision with fate will change both of them forever. They're together on a boat. Sharing a small cabin. And the rating is NC-17. *fans self* It's very good :)
And finally - and rather randomly - I keep rediscovering scribbulus_ink. I can read her stuff over and over again, so when I'm frantically searching new fic on my flist and don't manage to find any, then I'm perfectly happy to head over to her website and browse for an hour or two :)