1. Where is your dad right now?
In New Mexico, probably in front of the tv asleep.
2. Last time you kissed someone?
3. Name five things you did today.
Ate Breakfast
Watched Animaniacs
Checked my mail
Listened to music
This survey (my life excites everyone I meet)
4. Last person you text messaged?
Can't remember. Chris?
5. What kind of phone do you have?
A POS broken one!
6. What kind of computer do you have?
8. What are you listening to?
S.I.T.D-Snuff Machinery
9. What do you smell like?
10. What color are your eyes?
Dark Blue
11. Have you ever done a chinese fire drill?
Yes, but the only people who got out were me and the driver and I was only 10 so it didn't work too well.
12. What color is your bedroom?
Boring ass white
13. Do you have a chair in your room?
Art table chair
14. What are you doing tomorrow?
Same thing I do every night...TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
15. Do you know anyone who is engaged?
Maybe? I don't know really I'm sure there's someone.
16.What is your favorite #?
17. Do you know someone named Betsy?
Boy how I wish I did!
18. What color is your mom's hair?
dyed Burgundy
21. Are you married?
22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
3 or 4 days ago I think
24. Do you play an instrument?
Well, I have a keyboard and a guitar...
25. Do you like fire?
26. Are you allergic to anything?
Christmas trees (pine trees) but only in enclosed areas
27. Do you have a crush on anyone?
he better have a crush on me too!
28. Best friend?
Chris and Ian
29. Have you ever been to a spa?
I've been IN one...
30. Did you take science all four years of high school?
No, I also took Chemistry :-D
31. Do you like butterflies?
Um...sure why not?
32. Do you miss someone right now?
33. Does someone miss you right now?
They better!
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
36. What is one thing you've learned about life?
That no one ever learns anything about life. They just talk out of their ass like they know something.
37. Whats your favorite color?
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator?
No, but Danny freaked me out in the great glass elevator.
40. What does your mom call you?
When I'm in trouble she calls me DeAndrea Lorine...sooo...DeAndrea Lorine
41.What do your friends call you?
DeAndrea, DeeDee, Dee, Bettie
42. What does your hair look like right now?
Laid down pink, brown, black mowhawk
44. Has anyone ever told you they liked you more than a friend?
45. What have you eaten today?
Cereal, crackers, a bagel, grape flavored Propel water.
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
49. What are you looking forward to?
All the bad shit that will be happening for every day of my life.
50. How are you today?
Got 4 hours?