Title: The Wiser Policy (prologue/3)
Pairing: Nick/Greg (CSI)
Rating: R.
Summary: An alternate history. Greg doesn't really want to go to Vegas. But going to Vegas will be the start of something quite beautiful. Kinda sorta.
off to see the wizard... again. )
Comments 5
I love your portrayal of a very young Greg here.
Uhm cute coin guy oh yeah.
Not my must coherent review, but I liked what I just read.
So what happens next?
*Bat eye-lashes in hope for more adds head tilt*
So what happens next?
Pretty much what happens in 'I Have Ate Grass', *grin* although Greg is definitely his adorable, slightly obnox-self... *g*
*is very dejected re: the sky's been pissin' down with rain, and am v. jealous there's no new CSI season for the Queen's loyal subjects yet...*
*g* thank you for the kind words though!
I just wanted to make sure that we got the rest;-)
I mean such a fine story has every right to be told.
thank you!
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