Name: Lauren
Age: 16
All time #1 favorite movie: So many. I love all films with a twist, and I'm a sucker for a good chick flick.
Animated Movie: I'm not sure...The Incredibles, maybe? I love Violet (:
Music: Varies so much it's ridiculous, but my current favourites are probably Marina and the Diamonds and Lenka. Their music makes me so ridiculously happy (:
Food: Most unhealthy food is the love of my life, but I try and limit myself.
Animal: I don't know. Maybe cats? I like cats.
Season: I can never decide this! But in terms of actually enjoying them, probably summer, just because it's when I generally have the best times & there's more to do (there's fuck all to do in my town in winter, and I live in England so it's winter for about 9 months of the year - it's pretty grim really).
Place to be: Currently my bed - I'm permanently tired right now! But in general...I don't know, nowhere overly special. Just somewhere nice & peaceful and relaxed, with people you love, feeling like you belong. It's more to do with the people than the place really, but I do love beautiful places :)
Are you...
A pessimist or an optimist? Eh, it's confusing. My brain works in mysterious ways, but I'm outwardly pessimistic for sure.
Shy or outgoing? I'm quite introverted and quiet, but at the same time I wouldn't say I was shy, so idk.
Tall or short? Tall
Immature or mature? Pretty average I think.
Kind or cruel? Cruel. I'm kind of a bitch at times, but I'm not actually a horrible person; just very blunt...
About You In General
5 positive words about yourself: Strong willed, feisty, loyal, brave, witty.
5 negative words about yourself: Bitchy, tactless/insensitive, insecure, unstable, controlling.
What are your hobbies and talents?: My only talent is looking good. My only hobbies are going out & procrastinating.
So yeah, I'm destined to fail all my exams. And life in general.
Describe your relationship with your family and friends: It's very much a love/hate thing with my family. Sometimes I adore them and admire them and feel so proud to be related to them, and other times I completely despise them and everything about them ignores me and I just want to move away and complete disassociate myself from them forever. I guess that's probably pretty normal, especially as a teenager. I have an especially volatile relationship with my mum, but we're really very close when we're not fighting. They - my parents and my sisters - annoy me more than anyone else, but they also mean more to me than anyone else & in reality I'd hate to ever lose touch with them.
As for friends...again, it varies so much, but in general I feel like a bit of an outsider alongside them. Or not an outsider exactly, but...I just want someone to put me first, you know? My whole life I've felt like second best and the last resort and I just want someone to love me best.
Fuck, I sound so pathetic. But friends are cool. I wish we'd talk about things more though; we come across as pretty close but in reality we never talk about anything and all we ever do is pretend to be okay and laugh everything off and it's all kinds of shit. I wish I had the kind of friendships where we actually felt comfortable enough around each other to open up and talk about things, but I just don't. I adore my friends, but in reality none of us really know each other. Sometimes I wonder if anyone really knows anyone.
Any pet peeves?: Eh, just stupid little things. It depends almost entirely on my mood - everything's shit if I'm in a bad mood.
How do you feel about love?: Oh god, I don't know. I've never been in love. I'd like to be, but I'm not the kind of girl people fall in love with me. Maybe I'm not even the kind of girl who falls in love. I just can't imagine it...
What is your favorite Pixar movie? The Incredibles.
Do you prefer traditional 2-D animation or Pixar's style? -shrugs-
What Pixar character do you feel is not like you at all? No idea.
Would you like same-gender stamps, or all that is listed? Any, I don't mind (: