We're going to twist up the Awesome April Challenge as we roll into May and bring you -
The It's Gonna Be May Challenge
About - We're hoping we can have something somehow fandom related posted daily for the month of May.
Rules - Here's the twist. I'm not limiting it to fiction this month. Post wallpapers, post cross over fics, post icons, post good ol' popslash - as long as it's popslash related, we'd love to see it. Fiction should be no less than 100 words. Cross it over with whomever you want, as long as it's popslash based (Backstreet, nsync, 98 Degrees). Icon posts should be no less than 5 and up to as many as you want.
How can you play along? Behind the cut tag are all of May's dates. Comment to claim your date and when you've done your post ON your date, comment again with a link to it. If there's enough interest, dates may be shared.
If something happens and you can't do anything for your date, please let me know! I don't bite and will work furiously to find someone to take over your date.
Any questions or comments, ask away. And please, pimp. We have 30 days to fill, and while people can take as many as they like, the more writers the better.
That's it. Claim, have fun with this, and hopefully by the end of May we'll have all kinds of new goodies!
(I'll be creating a separate post with links to all the goodies shortly - feel free to friend this journal if you want!)
1 -
raynedanser2 -
llamabitchyo3 -
pensnest4 -
nopseud5 -
llamabitchyo6 -
fadedsouls7 -
turps338 -
bubbleforest9 -
iconis10 -
msktrnanny11 -
kaethe12 -
strippedhalo13 -
lesasoja14 -
cocoalatte15 -
bououou16 -
bellamyrose17 -
linear_flower18 -
inahurricane19 -
phaballa20 -
joshysleo21 -
poetrychik22 -
duoshinigami23 -
silveryscrape24 -
randomling25 -
kaethe26 -
randomling27 -
joshysleo & Co-writer(s)
28 -
zelda_zee29 -
strippedhalo30 -
boomingvoice31 -