Title: Aviatophobia
Rating: PG
Category: Gen oneshot
Word Count: 312
Characters: Dean, Sam
Spoilers: “Phantom Traveler”
Author’s Notes: Written for prompt 8: Phobia for the
psych_30 challenge.
Disclaimer: The following characters and situations are used without permission of the creators, owners, and further affiliates of the Warner Bros television show, Supernatural, to whom they rightly belong. I claim only what is mine, and I make no money off what is theirs.
Sam usually considered himself to be a pretty respectful sort of guy. Between him and Dean, he always thought of himself as the good brother verses the bad brother. But, when said good brother has just found out that bad brother-hunter of all things evil and slayer of all women’s hearts-is actually afraid of something? Well, good brother just can’t sit back and do nothing. There are pranks to do.
Just because, y’know, good brothers don’t have to be good all the time.
So, maybe the first couple times Sam hung an airplane from the rearview mirror in the Impala were mildly amusing, even though Dean threatened to beat him halfway across the country and back. And when Sam bought a piece of soap shaped like a big red airplane, that was pretty funny too, but mostly because Dean couldn’t run out of the shower to get him, since Sam had stashed all the available towels outside the bathroom. But, when Sam made a comment about some more traveling via air, Dean looked up from the magazine he was reading and said, “That’s it. You just wait,” and Sam knew he was in for it.
Dean was quiet-passive, really-for the next few days until one morning when Sam was taking his shower. Dean opened the bathroom door a crack and rapped his knuckles on the inside. He barely got the words, “Hey Sam…” out of his mouth when Sam screamed and ripped the shower curtain aside.
“You did this!” he yelled, pointing to his head where thick clumps of his hair had fallen out to reveal the skin underneath. “You-! My hair!”
Dean fought back the urge to smirk and instead produced the bottle of Nair from behind his back. He shook it in front of Sam’s bewildered face. “Payback’s a bitch, Sammy. Payback’s a bitch.”