Title: Caught Between Snow and Sky
Rating: Adult
Category: Pre-series slash (Wincest) oneshot
Word Count: 8329
Characters: Dean/Sam, John, and Bobby
Spoilers: None
Summary: For them, growing up has never been about learning how to let go.
Warnings: Underage brother incest
Author’s Notes: Written for
angstpuppy with the following prompts: “shaving (face,
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Comments 67
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This was perfect, the desperation after Dean gives in to what he wants, that they can't get enough of each other. The fact that the only reason that Dean will go against John is Sam and shaving cream as a sex sense memory. Yes.
Thank you so, so much.
He holds Sam’s face in one hand and jacks him off with the other, leaving Sam coming and covered in black grease smudges.
That's a gorgeous, GOREGEOUS image right there. Thank you for that.
Then you had Dean CARRY Sam to their bed and you killed me. But I love you, still. I needed this today, so badly. And you delivered and you delivered GOOD. Thank you. :)
And yes, that was one of my favorite images too. So glad you liked it as well. *g*
Thank you so very much for such a kind compliment. I'm beaming over here now. ♥
That ending bit totally made me tear up. I absolutely LOVE it. All of it. ♥
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