That's right! Founder Submissions for The Sims 3 are now open!
The ability to share your Sim creations is still available in TS3 so we're opening submissions up for both TS2 & TS3.
Considering the aging of Townies, keeping to a
pixel_trade challenge is going to be a little more interesting for you & when the time comes we'd love to hear your strategies.... just not in this thread.
In TS3, the sims have a wretched tendency to smile like blithering idiots constantly. This results in skewed features when you get to gameplay. There is hope, however.
Should you wish a neutral face when creating sims in CAS you can use one of the following two options:
A) Install the
Awesomemod from MATY.
B) Follow the steps below, swiped courteously from Captain Swooptie over at MATY.
1. Load up a sim and click the Personality button.
2. Zoom all the way in on his or her face.
3. Click Add Traits.
4. If you already have a full set, drop one and then add another one. It doesn't matter which.
5. The sim will do the little personality animation. Watch carefully, and you'll see the face magically go neutral when he or she finishes.
6. Exit out of the traits menu and get to work on your new blank canvas!
This thread over at GoS explains importing & exporting methods.
Normal rules apply.
Please screenshot & package your sim with NO downloaded content. This includes those from the EA Store.
Please list their age, traits & name with your submission.
We'll be opening up a ts3 story sims thread soon too. Please note that this one is just for founders.
Happy creating!!!