Viking Death Squad Legacy Challenge: Official Rules

May 18, 2010 12:20

Viking Death Squad Legacy Challenge: Official Rules
  1. The founder must be the sim voted champion in the requisite game's poll, and must have the community voted preselected stats/traits. Sims 2 Founder Download// Sims 3 Founder Download.
  2. All spouses must be pixel_trade sims; maximum of two sims per creator. Any and all heirs MUST be a result of a pixel_trade union. Childen via pixel_trade member-made ideal plantsim replacements and multi-pollination techs are allowed. No maxis.
  3. For each sim week you play, you must randomly roll a challenge from the Mega Lists of Mini Challenges for either Sims 2 or Sims 3 - whichever game you're playing in ^_^.
  4. The Legacy lasts 5 generations, you may feel free to go for longer, but it must be a minimum of 5. You do not have to finish the legacy within the 10 weeks but that's the goal you should aspire to.
  5. The challenge is 10 weeks long. From the first post you make, you must make at least one post per week for a minimum of seven weeks within the ten. More is absolutely welcome, less (or you miss all three in a row) and you're out 'officially.'
  6. Make sure you advertise each post to the community - we totally want to keep track! :D
  7. All teasers cannot be larger than 600x600px and only one image outside a cut per teaser post.
Sims 2 Founder Stats:
with Freetime/Nightlife: Grilled Cheese (Secondary of Romance)
without Freetime/Nightlife: Romance

As you cannot set a sim to Grilled Cheese straight from CAS, there are several ways to do this once the sim is on a lot. The easiest, however, is to turn on "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then shift+click on your sim and choose Spawn > Sim Modder. You'll get on the ground near your sim what looks like a really freaky standing baby. xD Click on the freaky baby, and choose Aspiration > Set Me(NameOfSim) > Grilled Cheese.

VOILA! You're done.

Sims 3 Founder Stats:
No Sense of Humor
Favourite Food:
Grilled Cheese

As an extra note: Please make sure when you're downloading that you use CleanInstaller, MacUnpac or Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to extract your sims etc to make sure that they're as clean as possible for your hoods - and so that when you're sharing sims that they don't contain any nasty 'suckerfish' style pieces of CC. ^_^

!viking death squad, !rule clarifications, !mod post

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