Viking Death Squad Legacy Challenge: Official Rules
- The founder must be the sim voted champion in the requisite game's poll, and must have the community voted preselected stats/traits. Sims 2 Founder Download// Sims 3 Founder Download.
- All spouses must be pixel_trade sims; maximum of two sims per creator. Any and all heirs MUST be a result of a pixel_trade union. Childen via pixel_trade member-made ideal plantsim replacements and multi-pollination techs are allowed. No maxis.
- For each sim week you play, you must randomly roll a challenge from the Mega Lists of Mini Challenges for either Sims 2 or Sims 3 - whichever game you're playing in ^_^.
- The Legacy lasts 5 generations, you may feel free to go for longer, but it must be a minimum of 5. You do not have to finish the legacy within the 10 weeks but that's the goal you should aspire to.
- The challenge is 10 weeks long. From the first post you make, you must make at least one post per week for a minimum of seven weeks within the ten. More is absolutely welcome, less (or you miss all three in a row) and you're out 'officially.'
- Make sure you advertise each post to the community - we totally want to keep track! :D
- All teasers cannot be larger than 600x600px and only one image outside a cut per teaser post.
Sims 2 Founder Stats:
with Freetime/Nightlife: Grilled Cheese (Secondary of Romance)
without Freetime/Nightlife: Romance
As you cannot set a sim to Grilled Cheese straight from CAS, there are several ways to do this once the sim is on a lot. The easiest, however, is to turn on "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then shift+click on your sim and choose Spawn > Sim Modder. You'll get on the ground near your sim what looks like a really freaky standing baby. xD Click on the freaky baby, and choose Aspiration > Set Me(NameOfSim) > Grilled Cheese.
VOILA! You're done.
Sims 3 Founder Stats:
No Sense of Humor
Favourite Food:
Grilled Cheese
As an extra note: Please make sure when you're downloading that you use
MacUnpac or
Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to extract your sims etc to make sure that they're as clean as possible for your hoods - and so that when you're sharing sims that they don't contain any nasty 'suckerfish' style pieces of CC. ^_^