May 24, 2013 13:53

Better banner coming soon
Thank you for signing up guys HERE IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!

Brave Warrior, you are the main attack force of the group, with your sword and shield in hand you battle with the foes at close range. With your daring and bold nature you strike fear into the hearts of evil, rushing into battle with an emotional cry, you live life with your heart on your sleeve - determined to protect those dear to you.

Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to make icons using close crops and bold colours (required), you may also icon strong emotions and each icon with such would earn you one point.

daynawashere juanxyo fulminant longerthanwedo goreplz

tinebrella sinking_theship midnight-road lookslikerain innocent-lexys

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“The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is
that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary
man takes everything as a blessing or as a curse.”
-Don Juan Matus

“Warriors want a worthy opponent.
There is no redress in fighting the pathetic.”
-Donna Lynn Hope

Wise Mage, you are the mid-range attack force of the group, raining down magic with your staff in hand. Your spells are intricately woven and the words you speak leave even the mightiest soldier paralyzed under your mysterious gaze. The world's elements and energies are yours to maneuver calling fire and lighting, wind and water with your words and hands alone.

Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to make icons using mid-crops and text (required), you may choose to represent the elements within your icons and each icon with such would earn you one point.

absolutelybatty iulieki lu-hesperia wickdshy yachiru

mm3butterfly innocent-lexys fuuurs evey lookslikerain

image Click to view

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always
hidden in the most unlikely places.
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
-Roald Dahl

“But you must not change one thing,
one pebble, one grain of sand,
until you know what good and evil will follow on that act.
The world is in balance, in Equilibrium.
A wizard's power of Changing and Summoning
can shake the balance of the world.
It is dangerous, that power...
It must follow knowledge, and serve need.”
-Ursula K. Le Guin

Nimble Ranger, you are the far-ranged attack force in the group, it is with unbelievable accuracy that your arrows are able to curb a battle before it has even reached you. Coupled with your ability to mend into the light and darkness of your surroundings, your enemies will be silenced before they even see you attacking. Blessed with eyes of a hawk, you are able to see targets from miles away as if they were right in front of you.

Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to make icons using lights and shadows and far crops (required), you may represent within your icon something far and something near (i.e. through blocking) and each icon with such would earn you one point.

regis longerthanwedo john-scorpy nyaza talipuu

midnight-road drankmywar bambinainnero mm3butterfly rebel

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“Each arrow you shoot off
carries its own target
into the decidedly
-Paul Celan

“In a fight, your doubt is a target of enemy's attack.”
-Toba Beta

Mystical Guardians, you are the main support class in your group, with your stave in hand you have the ability to heal all injuries, big or small and to enhance the ability of others. Rumour has it, that you can even raise the fallen on the battlefield. With your knowledge of healing the body also comes the knowledge of where best to attack an enemy.

Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to make textures to support icon-making (required), you may also make icons using the textures that you created and each icon with such would earn you one point.

masterjinn munrikki fuuurs rebel innocent-lexys

nottiem library_of_sex blue-emotion 12feethigh talipuu

image Click to view

"The master of the garden
is the one who waters it,
trims the branches,
plants the seeds,
and pulls the weeds"
-Vera Nazarian

“Those that can heal can harm;
those that can cure can kill.”
-Celia Rees

Group 1: deternot(W), katy-111(M), applepips16(R), liesmiths(G)
Group 2: oviedo(W), eotheod(M), vampire-sessah(R), scoobyatemysnax(G)
Group 3: erinae(W), burntheflaws(M), superjesster(R), likealight(G)
Group 4: margerydaw-s2(W), kayable(M), schryosel(R), ionizable(G)
Group 5: mm3butterfly (W), iulieki (M), boxed (R), liesmiths (G)

You can think up of a snazzy name for your group/guild/thing and I'll edit it in c:

- Icons are due Friday 21st June 10PM GMT+10 (countdown)
Extended for a week. Icons now due on Friday the 28th of June (countdown)
- You are to make 5-10 icons for this challenge. For Guardians, you are allowed to make 5-10 textures for the challenge and up to 5 icons using your textures.
- Please submit your icons to this post. Comments are screened.
- This challenge is multi-fandom
- Each icon/texture you make will be worth 3pts, each bonus you include in your icons will gain you an extra point.
- If you want to participate but did not sign up in time, you can still make icons for this challenge but they will not be part of the guild challenge (or if there's a space I'll just slot you in). Just submit them here.


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