::Character Survey - OOC

Jul 21, 2010 01:35

Body and Appearance

1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
He is average height for a teenage Caucasian, being roughly 5'10". Anthony is also pretty lean and flexible for someone who doesn't get around much - this could be blamed on his habit of not eating while absorbed in his work. Exercise is beyond him, so there is little to no muscle on his body minus whatever he has gained naturally during growth.

2. How old is he?

3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
Generally considered to be a sloucher,  probably from long nights slouched over the glowing monitor of his computer screen cross-legged on the sofa. Sitting, standing, or walking, his posture is always a little horrid, and he often shoves his hands lazily into the pockets of his trousers while getting around. I think he carries himself like he's always tired or exhausted.

4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Besides the occasional sleep deprivation or lack of carbohydrates... There's nothing really of note about his health that is really of concern. Anthony has always been lucky about good health conditions, and his immune system seems to be made out of steel.

He isn't really fit nor is he out of shape. The kid is just kinda stuck in the middle somewhere.

5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Clumsy sleepiness is generally how he moves during the day. Especially in the morning, before school. Anthony is a bit like the monsters his friends slay at this time of the day, moaning and groaning for the alarm to stop. But under normal circumstances, Anthony is really just slow and uncoordinated, sometimes almost appearing a little tipsy as he walks. It's not really that he's clumsy as it is just unaware.

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
Anthony is cute. Not hot or sexy, but he does have a smile that is charming in it's tricky, lopsided way. His appearance isn't really something the teen gives much thought to, and in most cases, he doesn't even take a gander in the mirror before he walks out the door. However he looks that morning is how he looks, and he doesn't really make much attempt to gussy himself up.

7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
White. He doesn't go out in the sun much, so his skin is really just a pale, cream color. When he does go out, he's usually covered in layers of clothing, even in summer. There's nothing of interest about his skin, unless we are picky about the occasional freckle.

8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
His hair is thick and coarse since he never brushes it, and the the ends tend to wave out here and there. It's short and unkempt, usually sticking out in interesting ways by the time he gets to school, and his hair is past the point of needing it cut. Anthony doesn't feel the need to fuss over it, as with his appearance in general, so he allows his hair to go with the flow.

9. What color are his eyes?

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
Long, thin fingers and half-lidded eyes are a couple characteristics that aren't particularly normal for kids his age. He also wears colorfully-framed glasses at the bridge of his nose, which can vary from lime green to bright red depending on his mood.

11. What are his chief tension centers?
Tension centers? Well Anthony is by default not a particularly tense person... But when he gets riled up, I suppose he could have... flared nostrils lolol.

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
Well when he isn't in his school uniform, his clothing is very trendy. He likes whites paired with brightly colored jeans, or will pull of a graphic tee another day. He likes bandannas around his neck, or maybe a colorful rag hanging out of his pocket as an accessory. Anthony will wear the rainbow if he wants to; he isn't scared or curious looks. But he'll look good doing it, in a strangely messy and thrown-together way.

13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
His clothes fit well. He likes skinny jeans now and then, and his shirts seem to hug his tummy nicely. He certainly looks comfortable in his clothing - you wont find him complaining about fit.

14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
I'll read this instead as "Does he dress the same in school as he does in his free time." Well anyway, that answer is obviously no. And his school attire is usually awfully unkempt as well as poorly buttoned. His tie is more often than not crooked.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?


Commando some days, boxers other days >>

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
His voice is... boyish? It's not deep, nor is it high. The pitch is just somewhere in the middle, but his tone generally gets higher, sometimes even squeaky, when he's in a situation that he doesn't like.

2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
He's actually kind of monotone normally, like he's bored with you, or just tired and not feeling the need to take part in conversation. When a topic of favor is brought up, however, he can speak fast and even, words flowing out of his mouth like he is reading a mental textbook out loud. He's excitable about information, but not the people around him - he'll just sound confused with everyone else.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
His accent is typical north-eastern american. He will slop words together, such as "whaddya," "gonna," "wanna," etc. His language is typically lazy and meshed together, and can sometimes be rather influenced by chat speak. Anthony has been known to get up and say "Bee arr bee."

You know, "brb."

4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
C++, Pascal, html-

Oh. You mean languages. Anthony only speaks English.

5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Nope, Anthony is straight-up lazy American dialect at all times.

6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
Anthony is good at coming up with things as he goes, being a guy who simply likes to talk to other humans. However, that doesn't mean what he says isn't seemingly exaggerated beyond reason. He might role play and LARP, but his improvising skills in real life are always a little special. He's honest, yet what he says sounds like a horribly made-up story.

7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
His words make sense to him, but sometimes other people will just give him the blank stare. He's stuck in the middle of eloquent and inarticulate, because he can speak fine and he can explain things easily. But yet he can seem inarticulate to other people, and he is easily distracted; thus he can say one thing and suddenly change topic.

His manner of speaking will always be the same no matter who he's talking to, teacher or peer, so there will rarely be a circumstance when he actually considers what he's saying.

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Anthony is surprisingly intelligent, despite most people's first impression. He can ace mathematics and science easy, and knows calculus that not even seniors can do. He has a fascination with physics and might even push people into being subjects for his experiments - usually declined because he probably wants to push you down the stairs.

However, he is also relatively street-smart; or at least, he has the lingo down pat.

2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
Anthony can think on his feet in most situations, especially when he's given many things to work with. He works better under more pressure.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Anthony is completely logical, since he has a hard time understanding basic human reactions. His imagination only goes as far as video games most of the time, so he'll easily point out what could be wrong with a person's idealistic thought process.

4. What kind of education has the character had?
Typical public schools his whole life. He's in some advanced courses too, of course.

5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
As mentioned, he's best at math, sciences, and technology. Anthony is happy sticking to his little world, but he would be quite interested in learning more about how females work.

6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Extrovert. He's an annoying puppy that loves to talk, but most people just hate his company.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Anthony can have mood swings, it's no lie. On second he may be jolly and teasing, while the next he's horrified at your dirty shoes. His temperament is quick to change depending on the situation, but generally he's laid-back and sleepy, choosing naps over important excursions.

8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
He actually doesn't mind new situations, because of the stimulation his mind gets. He has a relaxed curiosity in new places, though can be overly vocal with his questions, to the point that he may seem pushy.

9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
It depends on the situation. If someone asks him to do something, he'll act without question. Now if a monster suddenly approaches, he'll be quite expressive in his confusion.

10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
Well Anthony doesn't like to fight, but that doesn't mean his first reaction is to run. He'll likely give in to his fate and later heal the wounds, simply because doing so requires less effort.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Oh, Anthony loves pranks and will love to set one up. He can coordinate every detail with enough precision to raise eyebrows, like some sort of artist - except, of course, with more payoff. He also has a crude sense of humor, coming off blunt and mean. However, in fairness, if someone teases him bluntly he probably wont get it either.

He might appear to have a perverted sense of humor, but he is actually serious when he talks about the size of women breasts.

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
Probably not, but he sometimes seems to be OCD. Anthony is chaotic, but at the same time he dislikes germs. His dorm room is usually without order. That doesn't mean that he wont make you take off your shoes when you visit.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
Nothing spectacular has really happened in his life that has changed him so drastically. He grew up with his fascinations and generally didn't really care how people accepted him.

14. What does he fear?
Technology being treated horribly, breaking, overheating...

Also, he has a fear of the creepy-crawly, such as spiders and bugs.

15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
He doesn't really think about such things. I suppose his only hope for the moment is for monsters to go away so he can sleep.

16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
That he's lonely. Anthony doesn't have friends, and most people just avoid him. He could help it if he wanted to, but his personality just throws people off.

He doesn't really recognize his emptiness as anything anyway.

1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Anthony gets along fine with his parents, but that doesn't mean he'll ever say "I love you" over the phone.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
He has a little sister who he's secretly very fond and protective of.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
He's close to his immediate family, but his aunts and uncles drive him crazy.

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
Not really.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Poe. His laptop. They met when he was in 7th grade.

6. Does he have other close friends?

7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
Anthony has plenty of issues when it comes to making friends that he can keep, since he doesn't really relate to his peers easy. He prefers being by himself playing video games anyway.

8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Family, despite how much he acts like he doesn't care. Friends have never really stuck around.

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
He's always been single. And no, he hasn't been married.

10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?

11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
He's had puppy-crushes on girls, though this was all mostly in younger grades. These days, dating is far from his mind despite his perverted-ness with the opposite sex. He is curious, but he actually doesn't appear interested in courting.

12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
Boobs. He would like someone who's comfortable around him and can deal with his careless personality. Independent would be nice, since he has issues just taking care of himself.

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?
No children, thank God. He's only 15! To be honest, he hasn't given children a thought, but maybe someday he wouldn't mind having some.

14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
If he does, Anthony has no idea.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
He believes he's straight, but he hasn't ever given homosexuality a thought. Anthony is a bit of a pervert with women, of course, but if the right guy comes around, who knows what could happen.

On the Kinsey Scale, he's actually probably a 2.

16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
Well, Anthony is still in fact a virgin. Sex to him is just another activity, so he can easily discuss these things. And then if someone is uncomfortable with the conversation, he wont notice.

Also, keep in mind that he is a teenage boy, and he knows very well what pornography is. All of his knowledge may or may not have come from such.

17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
Turn-ons: Large breasts

Turn-offs: Small breasts

Habits are currently unknown. Anthony would probably find a bra the most confusing piece of equipment in the world though.

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
Anthony is a Gemini (you would think this was, gasp, on purpose O:).

He fits some pieces of it's typical traits, and not so much of others. He is a hard person to figure out, in that his personality tends to change like the click of a button. He adapts to situations easily, enjoys communication, intellectual, inconsistent, and youthful. However, he isn't lively, tense, or cunning. Some things fit more than others.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
He doesn't believe in deities, spirits, Gods, ghosts, etc. These are all works of fiction to him, which coincidentally isn't his favorite genre - minus video games, but those don't count to him. He can play role playing games, but Anthony really only believes what he sees with his own two eyes, as well things that can actually be scientifically explained. His parents did raise him as Christian, but he never accepted it.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
... Not really. He's never seen the point in being treating girls different that boys (other than the difference in chest size). Hardly anything is taboo to Anthony, and it's hard to embarrass him.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
Indifferent. He really just doesn't care. He might think, deep down, that you are unreasonable or silly, but outwards he's just "whatever."

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
Anthony doesn't dislike people, really. He grew up generally open-minded, so he gives just about everyone a fair chance. That doesn't mean that he doesn't judge you, because the teen is all for that, as well as putting you into his mental categories.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
Anthony doesn't have any money, but his parents provide for him nicely. Their financial situation is comfortable.

2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
He is nerd-level at school, and this has not changed at all over the years. Because of this, he has learned to keep himself occupied. Being called a nerd or dork has never particularly bothered him though.

3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
He lives in the dorm with a single roommate. Anthony doesn't care to maintain the place, and typically views it only as a place to sleep at night; he doesn't care about his current home otherwise.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Video games, gadgets, accessories for his consoles (skins, armor, etc). Whatever clothing he has is what his parents buy him.

5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
He's only in high school, so he doesn't have a life just yet, per se. He actually enjoys school, and he excels nicely at the tasks given (despite procrastination). However, he will always rather be working on his computer.

6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
As mentioned like a million times; video games and computers are his free time. Like, every day. He doesn't vary from these two things often. Somehow, math is a hobby of his - creating his own equations and solving them when he's bored.

7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
He has a habit of skipping meals when he's involved in video games or internet. His favorite meals are typically fast food, especially french fries. Anthony likes to steer clear of greens particularly, but he equally dislikes all vegetables. He also has this thing for dissecting his food before eating it, and mentally picking out the ingredients - much to the annoyance of most of his parents.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:

1. Color? Yellow
2. Smell? Pine
3. Time of day? Night
4. Season? Fall
5. Book? Star Wars
6. Music? Fallout soundtrack :|
7. Place? Stockholm, Sweden
8. Substance? Copper
9. Plant? Dandelion
10. Animal? Squirrel

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