Версия на русском языке In a restaurant, a menu is a list of food and beverage offered to the customer. (с)Wikipedia.
Today I will write about an element, without which it is extremely difficult to imagine any application with which the user should interact - this is the menu: buttons, captions, various elements.
... and immediately the first version of the menu!
Immediately make a reservation about the context, since the development is not carried out on vcl or a ready-made engine, and the graphic component has self-written output methods, then the use of ready-made fonts, objects is not in question.
For primitives, such as rectangles or lines, functions have already been written, and the first version of the menu appears from them! I also tried, for the sake of experiment, to add to it the existing picture, this is the “bird” object, about which I wrote in the post “
A stick, a stick, a cucumber, and a little man”
After calculating the positions of the coordinates of the letters: auto-height, auto-width, relative sizes, etc., everything is ready to start creating your own font:
Black rectangles - cells for letters
And for starters, I was limited to only letters that are in the menu and a set of numbers - to display the value of fps.
Some letters have already been done, the rest is not far off!
That is, the letters I draw from the available primitives - lines, points, etc.
And all the letters are ready!
Trying to paint the letters ...
... add volume and color style
Here, in parallel, the task of measuring performance arose, and I used the newly created object to display the fps value (fraps per second):
FPS - current fps max, min, sf - maximum, minimum and average fps respectively
Now add translucency! And our menu is complete!
A little later, I again used the menu object for one of the latest projects, which is now in active development ... And I already made a full set of letters, including Cyrillic, and changed the font style!
And so, for comparison, the updated font looks on the old menu:
Left-new, right-old
In conclusion, the video with a combination of two effects, partial drawing of the image, which creates a “pixel plume” and rising stones:
Click to view
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