Yet again i'm getting screwed over. I'm not talking to almost all of my friends, my cell phone is being gay and i might be torn away from Trevor in december.
ok...i'll start at the beginning....
So i start going out with Trevor and everything is amazing. All of my friends love him and I'm actually happy again. Then one day Kathryn, Sarah, and the boys go to the mall. That is when Kathryn starts hating Trevor because "he didn't let me finish what i was saying and he yelled at me...if he can yell at me what is he going to do to you?" well first of all you shouldn't even have been talking to Trevor about Jeff. That is my life and my past, not yours. So kathryn and i get into a HUGE fight (Still in it as a matter of fact) and i stop talking to her. I havn't talked to her for over a week.
Then homecoming gets here and the entire week before i kept hearing from ayla 'i can't wait for homecoming...i'm going to get out of the house...blah blah blah'. well homecoming night i find out she isn't going for bullshit reasons, "I'm going to work on my senior project" YOU COULD FUCKING WORK ON IT FOR THE REST OF THE GOD DAMN WEEKEND!!! so Trevor and I call her and try to convince her to go. she was being stubborn and wouldn't go. her fault...well i have an INTERESTING night at homecoming to say the least. Sunday i get home and check my myspace and i have a new note from who i thought was ayla.
This is Ayla's Aunt Tena. It has been very upsetting to Ayla tonight about the phone calls from you and Trevor calling her and harassing her about going to the dance. If Ayla wanted to be at the dance, I would have gladly taken her. Please understand that this is a very difficult time for her and something that you will not understand until you lose your mother, God forbid.
Ayla needs time to process and is around people who love her dearly right now. She does not need people pressuring her about anything at this point.
Please just be a good friend and not get on her back about things that she does not feel comfortable with at this point.
Thanks. Tena
So i thought that was VERY fucking rude and immature. I know for a fact that Tena couldn't have gotten on ayla's myspace and set that up herself. And Ayla knows me...she knows that i HATE having other people tell me something is wrong is someone. If you have a problem with me or having to do with me...tell me yourself. Don't pussyfoot around it and have someone else do it for you. Your almost 18 years old Ayla...grow up.
Well then after this whole thing i find out that Chelsea and Nicole don't like Trevor either. Chelsea doesn't like him because "he's too cocky" HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU STUPID BITCH!!! Didi you not go out with Matt Wray...and have you not LOVED tim herrington FOR FUCKING YEARS!!!??? Exactly. Tim and Matt are the two COCKIEST people i've ever met in my entire life!! So i havn't been talking to Chelsea since then, and i have no clue WHY Nicole doesn't like him. Brittani is the ONLY person that hasn't had a problem with him. But as you could see in the pictures from that night she doesn't have a reason not to like him!! lol!! Well thats my whole friend drama right now...
So onto the cell phone. It is gay...i hate it. I can't get a new phone until October of 2006. I'm pretty upset. I can only get a new one if i go to a different provider...or buy a full price phone, which isn't going to happen. cell phone isn't as important as my boyfriend. So they were stressing out about rent this month...i was seriously debating selling some of my stuff to help them out. Monday i thought that Trevor was going to be roaming the streets with his brother because they have no place to stay in vancouver and my mother obviously would rather see them on the god damn streets than living here which PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF!!! She would take in ANY of my friends but Jon and Trevor...hell no. She's a dumb fucking bitch. I hate my mother right now. the boys got their rent money and are going to be there for november, but come December 1st i think they are going to move to Seattle with Dewey. He is moving up there and he said that they would have a place to stay and not have to worry about rent. I couldn't live without trevor here. I really don't think i could do that. I bairly lasted a week without him. Sarah says that i'm going to get tired of him because i'm spending so much time with him but i've been with him for 3 weeks now and i'm not tired of him one bit. There are some flaws that i've found but other than that i'm extatic to be with him. OH! And today he switched from Verizon to Sprint so i can't talk to him whenever i want to, i can't text him whenever i want to AND my cell bill is going to skyrocket because i know i'm going to be talking to him ALOT. I already have over 1000 texts to him this month...what am i going to do now that he has a different carrier??!!! It's gay. My mom isn't going to pay .10 for every text that i send him. I'm either going to have to get a sprint phone or get more texts. 19.99 for 2500 texts. THATS ALOT!! Sprint has unlimited texts for that much. Why the fuck can't verizon get that!!?? It doesn't make any sence to me. I'm so upset and out of it tonight that i really don't know why i'm still sitting here typing this. Probably because i know i need to get it out and let it be out there so i can get over it.
To everyone who is reading this and HATES trevor, i hope your lives have just gotten better...he's probably leaving. I just hope you know that i'm going to be a ROYAL bitch to each and everyone of you because you've have shit reasons for hating my boyfriend. so fuck you and i hope you all die and rot in everyone else have a great night