You scored as Kaylee, the Mechanic.
Simon, the Doctor
Kaylee, the Mechanic
Inara, the "Companion"
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
First Mate Zoe
Jayne Cobb, resident bad-ass
Shepherd Book
Wash, the Pilot
FiREFLY QUIZcreated with Also,
Aaron was sick all day today. He was puking almost consistantly from 7 in the morning until about 2 in the afternoon when he finally fell asleep. I guess my drinking-butt-tons-of-water-even-though-it-just-comes-back-up plan worked. He still thinks it's strange that he can walk without falling over. Being sick sucks. Having to work while you're reeeeaally worried about your boyfriend is scarily sick sucks too. I'm entirely too much of a worry wart about those sorts of things. I ended up getting off work at four because one of the guys at work convinced me it might be alcohol poisoning and I started crying. I'm turning into a baby. If I didn't love that bastard so much, I'd think it would be time to be single again.
Everything's better now though. I might even go to Denny's. Even though I napped from 5-11. Heh. I napped through a Steak N Shake shift.
Finally, if someone at Beloit doesn't post something about when we're all going to Serenity, I'll be very upset because I have to go. No one down here appreciates Firefly the way you people do.
And now, decision-making time. Cheers!
"All is right with the world."