I do not do Facebook. I have never even been to Facebook (well, I went just now, but was not impressed). However, we were talking about Facebook at work today (two coworkers discussing how they found each other on it), and I even said I did not know Facebook
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Comments 4
Yes! Hold the fort! You brave soul, you.
I hate it when people try to bully you into things. Especially the another-way-of-comunicating-with-each-other-things. I got a lot of shit when not wanting to install ICQ and still get weird looks when I mention that I don't have a mobile.
btw... friending you because you are a friend of a friend and I've really enjoyed skimming through your journal. Not a stalker. Swear!
Not a stalker. Swear!
To quote one of my favourite comedy skits: "Yes, but can I be trusted?" :D
I read what you wrote about enjoying rational argument. I think that makes us very rare people. (I'm of the belief that one of the most important things a person can do in life is question their own faith, and seek out arguments against it. Better to doubt with knowledge than believe in ignorance.) Seriously, I can actually argue about politics and religion, without getting up in arms. I believe what I believe, and I believe that others can believe differently. Perhaps they're even wrong... but screaming at them won't change their minds.
And now I'm babbling. :)
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