+ name: Dulce
+ nicknames: D, ducle, "That skank over there"
+ sex: Female.
+ birthdate: 120686.
+ place of birth: Tj, Mexico.
+ current residence: A housee...?
+ current hair color: Black hair, Red bangs.
+ eye color: Black.
+ height: 5'0
+ writing hand: Right.
+ do you bite your nails: Yep.
+ can you roll your tongue: Yep.
+ can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Nope.
+ can you blow smoke rings: No :\
+ can you blow spit bubbles: Yep, hahah xD;
+ can you cross your eyes: Yes.
+ colored hair: Red bangs.
+ piercings and where: 3, ears 1 more coming soon somewhere else xD!
+ do you make your bed daily: Haha, nope.
+ which shoe goes on first: Whichever I happen to grab first.
+ speaking of shoes, thrown one at someone: YES!
+ how much money is usually in your wallet: Um, like a bunch of quarters?
+ what jewelery do you wear: Usually, 3 earings and 3 bracelets.
+ what's sexiest on a guy: Confidence, paleness, tallness, long hair >