
Jan 01, 2005 11:36

So, it's January 1st ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

my_own_hell January 2 2005, 03:25:36 UTC
agrees completely with the holiday thing. oh gosh I wish i wouldn't had drunk, haha i was in my room of course alone drinking i hit my head on athe wall and hit a nail. i have another owwie on my head and it was all bleeding haha i swear by the end of the month my head will just be one big bump with mini bumps everywhere. lol this is why i dont drink i either get really slutty or really hurt. haha i went off bout myself but uhh yeah i should go down there and spend valentines dday with you! lol that is the next lil day isnt it?! oh well


pixie_tint January 3 2005, 03:54:37 UTC
Well I told you what to do with all those bumps you get. Just draw on them to make yourself feel better :]
Hahahah, you're adorable.


my_own_hell January 3 2005, 05:48:16 UTC
i did with the first one haha my fwend laughed histarically at me then we went out and then our friend made lips on the mouth of it im like yess haha


futile_lament January 2 2005, 04:19:51 UTC
well...if it makes you feel better...I was sitting here crimping wires around midnight last night...then went home and caught the rest of the Law & Order SVU marathon before dropping off to sleep...


pixie_tint January 3 2005, 03:55:14 UTC
It doesn't.
Well, it kinda does.
LOL, we need to have a party.


vagrant_ January 2 2005, 07:48:02 UTC
Yes, yes. Definitely post about your kick ass job.
I'm sorry love though. Likewise, I decided that I'm not too fond of the holidays... all they do is depress me. (like everything else almost -_-;)


pixie_tint January 3 2005, 03:56:15 UTC
Everything depresses me too, let's all be depressed together YAY.
I mean, no stop being depressed.
Because I said so.
Stop it.
Now. I mean it.


silentkay January 2 2005, 21:15:42 UTC

do tell, darling, do tell.

lets work on the ranting.
it's fun, afterall.


pixie_tint January 3 2005, 03:57:07 UTC
I think I should.
Anyway, post I shall.
<3 for commenting.


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