Just out of curiosity, why do people feel the need to slurp their coffee over and over? it's highly annoying to sit next to someone who is constantly slurp,slurp,slurp... there is a quiet and polite way to sip coffee without it being obnoxious!!!
Also, is anyone else completely disturbed that the dude that took Meredith Emerson kept her for three days and then decapitated her? I mean seriously... why would you decapitate someone? What would be the reasoning behind that? She was already dead when he beat her to death... Maybe he thought she was an immortal and the only way she could really die and he could get her power was to sever her head? I could understand that maybe he was thinking that they couldnt identify her without her head but I think he left it at the scene...so, I cannot begin to understand why he would do that. What the fuck?! I hope they connect him to all the hiker murders that have been going on over the past year or so. That way, when they bust him in Florida, they can fry his ass in the electric chair. He evidently made a deal with police that he would cooperate in telling them where Meredith was if he didnt get the death penalty...which either way, now that I think about it, he would probably die in prison before it was time for him to be executed anyway. The man is what? 61 years old? This also brings me to something that's been bothering me about this guy. They are saying he's possibly a serial killer and he's probably responsible for atleast 3 other murders from Florida to North Carolina but he doesn't really fit the profile of a serial killer. If it is him that's killing, I dont think he's doing it for any kind of sexual gratification or Domination, but more for getting their ATM cards and trying to pull money. Does that still make him a serial killer? He's obvously got serious sociopathic issues but I wouldnt classify him a Ted Bundy or a Hillside Strangler(s)... or maybe I'm just talking out my ass?
Either way, my sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Meredith Emerson. We were all hoping that she would have made it through this alive. I get a sick feeling in my stomach and that feeling gets worse and worse over time as I watch my own daughter grow and form into something so amazingly beautiful and then to have some sick fuck come and take that away just seriously saddens me.
Her memorial service will be on Friday, at Central Presbyterian Church on Alps Road in Athens, at 2 p.m. The family asks that those who wish to honor Meredith can do so by contributing to their local animal rescue shelters.
There she goes with the slurping again!!!!!