Nov 02, 2004 13:32
well i voted. took me 3 tries to find the fucking place. i dunno why, but whoever decided on it moved the location from place a to b. after about 45 min i finally stumbled on the right street[fuck you mapquest]
and to top it all off, they didn't even have i voted stickers. how dissapointing. [win kerry, win!]
Oct 21, 2004 17:29
OMG what a fucking day..
i just *hope* all is well by the end of tonight.
oh, and can lindsay lohan have any more of a yucky voice than she already has....ehhh i dont think so.
Oct 13, 2004 20:55
i want a kitten. i know which one i want too, she's @ the animal shelter. i want! i want! i want!
Oct 01, 2004 12:35
we rounded up the gang for 2 dollar pint night at the fox. hadn't been there since...............
well for fucking ever.
p.s. i'm deleting a mega-shit load of people on my friends list for whatever reason i see fit. so, if you feel so inclined to read my lame ass journal, tell me if not, goodbyeeeeee
Sep 22, 2004 12:37
i think i murdered my sea monkeys :(
Sep 20, 2004 00:19
people need to chill the fuck out. getting their little panties in little wads over the stupidest shit in the fucking world, grow up.
last night was awesome.
so was tonight.
i got a new hello kitty watch.
god damn i love this.
Sep 16, 2004 23:00
i'm addicted to cherry cokes from Dairy Queen. mmmm they add lotsa good syrup and their ice is fucking amazing.
also, how about a chocolate teenage mutant ninja turtles birthday cake sound?!
fuck yeah that's right bastards. fucking right.
time to dye hair now :)