The Patriot Act? Doesn't frighten me.
This, however does. Very, very much. This report comes close on the heels of the Obama campaign cutting off WFTV after reporter Barbara West asked Senator Joe Biden some questions he didn't like, and after CBS3 in Philadelphia was given the same treatment after doing the same thing. Asking questions. Fair, policy-oriented questions, looking for clarification on the campaign's stance on several issues.
I'm sorry, but when private citizens who disagree with a campaign get their lives illegally pried into by media and campaign contributors in the public sector, and when reporters get punished for asking Democrats tough questions (when they're definitely expected to grill and dig up any possible dirt on the Republicans), well, I have a problem with that. This is a Presidential election. We're allowed to ask tough questions. We're supposed to ask tough questions. We're hiring someone to do a tough job, and I want to know about his plans, character and qualifications. The various campaigns should be prepared to answer our questions, not cut off communication with or dig up private information on anyone who questions their policies and talking points.