February - shopping

Jan 26, 2008 04:01

Shopping really is more therapeutic than most people realize. And when I say people, I mean my family. The boys enjoy shopping for a car or something shiny in that respect, but it's a bit harder to get Jasper to accompany me to the mall or head into Seattle or someplace for the sole purpose of going shopping. Sometimes I can get Esme or Rose to make a day of it, but they still don't seem to enjoy it quite as I do.

As much as I like shopping for myself, there's something about shopping for others that I'll never grow tired of no matter how many decades they put up protests. Jasper has usually learned to become a good sport about it, Edward as well, but Emmett is a little harder to convince. He has this thing where he doesn't enjoy his sister dressing him. But hey, I like shinier things too. Such as fast, shiny cars by the name of Porsche that go impossibly fast.

One person I enjoyed shopping for, but haven't had the chance as much over the past several months, is Bella. Now there was a human who didn't understand when it came to shopping. A young, teenage girl who didn't want me to buy things for her. What sense is there in that? They're only dresses. There's nothing wrong with looking a bit nicer on occasion is there? Didn't think so.

Though, I may go with the boys next time they look for something fast and shiny.
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