hey y'alls,
this is lifted from my myspace blog, from November 15th.
i'm working just a half day today, and getting beautified in the afternoon (haircut, eyebrows, and hopefully a pedicure).
i love being 30, and still being a teenager most of the time.
i had a really magical day yesterday that started out with waking up before 5 a.m. to go to skateland and get filmed scrimmaging for the Fox 45 morning news. we had 3 live spots, and dunkin donuts coffee and munchkins. it's a glamorous life.
last night my friend Sarah brought over a dress i wanted to borrow for my polka party friday night, and also surprised me with another dress she thrifted for me that fits me like a glove.
my work is going much better recently. i feel like i can do some helpful work here, and make some change. i'm learning a lot, and getting better as a teacher, and who knows, maybe i'll actually get certified as a sex educator through my time with PP.
my b-day plans:
* last weekend in J.C./NYC with Clyde. saw the Shondes! got some super sweet gifts. had some q.t.
* today- sushi lunch with some workmates, and leaving early!
* tonight- early dinner with the fam
* later tonight- hang out at home with housemates
* Thurs night- Retro Revolution: Mad Tea Party at the Creative Alliance. (www.creativealliance.org) I'll be rocking out my new birthday dress! i'm working door and getting a free ticket... heading down early with Lucky Baltimore and Clyde
* Friday- Baltimore Immigration Summit. I get to go all day for work, and network and help promote "Lunes Latino" and our services in Spanish.
* Friday night- Polka Madness at Blobs Park!!! so many people I love are coming for it. Can't Wait. Plus I have a fabulous dress to rock out. (OMG- blobs was so much fun. i'm sore from so much polkaing)
* Saturday 12:30 p.m.- I'm getting a half price massage!!!
* Saturday night- Black Diamonds debut at the Creative Alliance (www.blackdiamondsmovie.com). It's a documentary about community resistance to mountain top removal in Appalachia that fellow Charm City Kitty Catherine Pancake has been working on for years.
* Sunday- CCRG Mobtown Maulers take on the Dominion Derby Girls from VA. www.charmcityrollergirls.com I'm volunteer managing along with Dr. Skabs.
possibly check out the Rude Mechanical Orchestra at their Sunday night's show.
p.s. I love my life.
Things are on the upswing, and my outlook is changing. I've been so passive for so long in different parts of my life, and not in a good way. I'm really ready to assert myself and make some changes for the better.
oh, the big 3-0.