IWANTTOSLEEPIWANTTOSLEEPIWANTTOSLEEPIWANTTOSLEEPIWANTTOSLEEPIWANTTOSLEEP Between Nino being Nino at 6 EVERY morning, and Ohio calling me 30 minutes later leaving voicemails that say "all of our operators are busy, please hold" (YOU FUCKING CALLED ME YOU SADISTS), I'm losing my sanity.
Theoctoproj is making me homesick. Sou thla marbar tons pri ngshy depark boo kpeop leep ochs pide rhou se 360 magn oli amoz arts so uthcon gress, and all of the people of course
Actually I think I may be Amelie. Wearing chunky books and my hair super flipped out sounds like even more fun than a cigarette holder. And she has a cat AND a Nino. So I'll kill two birds with one stone and use Nino the cat. I'm sure Holly has been done many times before, anyway.