Alright. I'm posting my stance on this, because it needs to be said. But I can tell you right now that you're not going to like it, so if you're really upset about this whole thing and you think reading an opposing opinion will set you off, you may not want to read this.
Let me just start by saying that contrary to popular belief, I do not think Jin is some perfect Adonis who can do no wrong. I know he can, and I know he's not perfect. He fucks up. I also don't look down on people for getting upset, even if I personally think people are overreacting. But I'm not stupid. I can understand how the lyrics might be taken in a bad way. And if you're upset by them, okay. I don't agree, but you're certainly not wrong for feeling however you feel. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and please keep that in mind as you go on. I'm not talking about how people FEEL about the song, I'm talking about how they ACT in response to it.
I must admit I am incredibly disappointed in the way this fandom has been acting. When I first listened to the song, the thought of "date rape" didn't even cross my mind. Hell, I didn't even know ANYBODY thought that until someone pointed it out to me, that so many people were upset. And when I read the lyrics, okay, true, they're not classy. But do I think he's perpetuating rape? Fuck no. And that is for several reasons. One, because I just don't think he's that kind of guy, and because if it WAS about that, don't you think SOMEONE in the ENTIRE production process might've said something about it? And two, BECAUSE HE'S NOT THAT FUCKING CLEVER.
He's a dumbass, let's face it. Didn't he tweet way back when some stupid "that's what she said" joke, and one of his friends was like 'DUDE YOU CAN'T USE IT ON YOURSELF'? For one thing, he didn't invent the joke. For another, he doesn't even use it right. And lastly, I can almost bet MONEY that his thought process didn't go beyond 'LOL THAT SOUNDS DIRTY'. He's not smart enough to write that kind of thing. Hey Girl was about ~hos in the club~ too, and he admitted himself that it was a stupid, joke song. I am almost positive he meant this the same way.
Now. I think it should be brought to his attention that people could misinterpret his lyrics. But is anybody doing that? Has anyone actually messaged his Facebook, posted on youtube, tweeted at him, etc.? Because all I see is a lot of talk about how he's such a horrible person. And it disappoints me that so many people who claim to be his fans would be so quick to jump on the 'OH MY GOD HE'S SUCH A RAPIST' bandwagon without stopping to think, oh hey, maybe he just DIDN'T REALIZE that people might take it the wrong way?
Not to mention that I could fucking point FINGERS at people who have WRITTEN dub-con/non-con fic. Yeah. What's your defense? "They're not real"? Yeah, well this is a song. And you INTENTIONALLY wrote things that way, whereas, like I stated before, I fully believe he did not intend for anything to be read into that song other than 'lol innuendo'. Does that make it a good song? Of course not. But it certainly doesn't make him a fucking DATE RAPIST.
And also not to mention all the people who sit around talking about how they want to "rape" idols. INTENTIONALLY STATING IT when they're not simply implying it. That's not cute. That's not funny. How the fuck can you sit around judging him for a stupid song when you're talking about wanting to "rape" some junior because of his hip rolls or something? Do people even realize how serious of an accusation they're throwing out at him over this? Doesn't Justin Timberlake have a song about getting some girl drunk so he can take her home? HE'S not being accused of rape. And for fuck's sake, Chris Brown is winning goddamn AWARDS after he beat the fuck out of Rihanna, and yet people are going to sit here and scream that Jin is an abomination to society because of some stupid lyrics that are 99% likely to have been misread.
And furthermore, I know that a good majority of the people hating on him for this are people who hate him anyway. Not everyone, true. I do know some people who are/were his fans and still supported his efforts also took offense to the song. But I would say 80%, if not 90% are people who want to see him fail and are watching his every. fucking. move. Like fucking hyenas. They're ready to pounce on him for stepping a TOE out of line, a whole little group of Professor Umbridges. They will do anything to see him fail. And yet somehow, it's okay for THEM to sit around and speculate about when he's going to get divorced or what a skank his wife is, condemning his possible future child to a life where people think their father is a horrible rapist because some people misread his song lyrics? How the fuck is THAT okay? These are people's LIVES. And to think that hardly ANYONE thought to step back, to give him the benefit of the doubt, is what disappoints me. The hypocrisy of it all. The fact that we live in a culture that jumps to the WORST POSSIBLE CONCLUSION and doesn't stop to think about it beyond that.
So go ahead. Be upset if you will. If that's how you chose to interpret it, then fine. But don't just sit there and accuse him of being a horrible person. Make him AWARE of how people are taking this. Make sure he fucking KNOWS what people are thinking, because I will bet you fucking MONEY that he didn't think about it that way. And obviously none of the other fifty bajillion people involved in song-making did either or they wouldn't have let him put it out. Don't condemn him to death for something that is the product of a hypersensitive society that's used to songs about rainbows and working hard at school.
Hate me for my opinion if you want. I really couldn't care less, because I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Shit, hate the song all you want. It's not a great song no matter what you think about the lyrics. But don't automatically hate him for something he's probably not even aware of. If you're truly upset and you SERIOUSLY think this song is about rape, then fucking DO something about it. If you want to stop supporting him, at least do him the honor of telling him WHY.
And just to prove that I'm not saying this because I worship the ground he walks on or something, I don't even fucking like most of the new songs on the album. Tell Me Where is good, Aphrodisiac is alright, but I don't really care for the rest of them. And I sincerely do believe that this issue should be brought to his attention, because if these are the kinds of things people are going to be thinking about when they listen to his songs, they're even more likely to misread them NOW than they ever were before.
Just be careful about what you're saying. Stop and think for a second. This is a man with a new wife, a little brother. His mother does his laundry. He can barely speak Japanese properly half the time, and he's afraid of ghosts and bugs. He wants to buy earthquake-proof land for his babies. This is a man who's been in the industry since he was 14 years old. He's still practically a child in some ways. And hell, most men I know are immature, he's no different. He just doesn't THINK sometimes. I would be more inclined to believe all this hysteria if the lyrics were things like "stop that" or "that hurts" or "don't" or stuff like that. To me, it's a song about alcohol and blowjobs. And that's about it. I can honestly only see one, MAYBE two lines in the whole song that could be taken as about date rape. It's a JOKE. You say it's not funny? Then fine. It's an un-funny joke. But it was still meant as a joke, I can just about promise you that. I'm willing to bet that the people so upset over it have thought about this song ten times more than he did when he was writing the stupid thing. And I'm sure if he would've known, he never would've put it out.
If you're here, you probably are or were a Jin fan at some point. Remember why that is. This is the same man who wrote Eternal and Seasons. You loved him once, or at least liked him. Do you really think that kind of person is capable of writing something intentionally cruel, not to mention illegal? Please don't be so quick to condemn him. Just think back. Aren't those emotions you had for him at least worth a little effort to let him know why they're no longer there? If you heard the song before you saw that post on arama or got wind of this issue, did YOU think it was about rape? Because if you just got it from arama... 90% of that comm is full of Jin haters as it is. As far as I'm concerned, that comm is good for basically nothing but wank and drama-starting anyway, when it comes to Jin.
Like I said, you can hate me if you want. Fine. Call me blind and stupid, I don't care. But if you're going to be so adamant about what a horrible person he supposedly is, at least fucking do something about it. If you think he needs to learn how to grow up and he should be able to figure things out for himself, well. How would you like it if all of a sudden one day a crowd of people came up to you and said you were a horrible person out of the blue? Yeah. Just think about that. Treat others how you want to be treated. I don't ask that you suddenly love the song, or even that you stop feeling upset or offended by it. But TELL him that. Wouldn't you want to know if you were offending people?
The day this fandom starts (hypocritically) accusing people of supporting RAPISTS without so much as a second thought... I'm done. I'm just fucking done.
Comments are disabled, not because I'm afraid of what people have to say, but because my opinion is not up for discussion. I already know what most of you think. Now this is what I think. Read it or don't. Hate me or don't. I don't care. But it needed to be said. Don't waste your breath arguing with me, spend it doing something more useful. Like telling HIM.