You guys, I am so dang sick of always crying about how much I don't get done. You are probably sick of it too.
So I decided to use Sister Mary Lazarus (my calendar, my muse, she who raps my knuckles when I'm goofing off) not only to write down what I'm supposed to do, but also to record what I actually did.
Like this.
(see, green is for when I'm out using the car, blue is for when I'm working at home, and orange is all of what I got done in-between-times.
Anyway, so this week I spent:
- 41.5 working
- 21.5 wifing (cooking/kitchen/dishes/menu-planning, laundry, taxes, loan application, recycling, bedmaking, A/C dismantle, tidying/catbox/trash, errands)
- 7.5 writer-careering (blogging, social media, going to writer's group, etc.)
- 2.5 job-careering (studying for the GMAT)
- 6 socializing
- 1 writing
- 0 reading
- 0 working out
That is 80 hours total, or an average of ~11.5 useful hours in a day. The other ~12.5 is sleeping, eating, goofing off, brushing my teeth, navelgazing, cat memes, et al.
I'd like to be a little more productive - maybe get 12 or 13 hours out of a day - but that's more of HOLY SHIT HOW DID I ONLY SPEND AN HOUR WRITING? WHO THE FUCK DO I THINK I AM?
Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, for the love of Mike, SIT YOUR BUTT IN THE CHAIR AND WRITE.
And read. Why don't I do this anymore? Did college ruin me? Has the Internet ruined me? What the hell?
Well, anyway. This has been a productive exercise. My work is so irregular and spread out that it's hard to get into daily routines, but maybe I need a quota system or something.
But for those of you who are active on the reading front, let me ask: when do you do this? Is it a commute thing? Bedtime thing? Random couple of hours on the couch thing? Help me out, here - I seem to have lost my knack.
I need help! I need a facial! I need to go on a diet! I need money! I need new shoes! Oh, God, just do something!