An icon

Feb 02, 2007 00:58

I made a Lindsay icon.

I don't use Adobe Photoshop, since I'm a poor student and won't buy it, so I use a program called 2Pic. You can get it FREE from here

2Pic allows you to have two images at once up- left and right. This tutorial assumes the icon is always in the left image.

Starting from

1) First, under effects, I set the color saturation to 10%
2) Second, still under effects, I set the illumination to 4%
3) Then I expanded the Right image to at least 100x100. Click the switch color tab, and switch the white in the right image to the color of Lindsay's shirt. In order to do this, you need to have the radio button for the left image selected, and right click on the "to this color" box. Select "Pick color from image." Click somewhere on Lindsay's shirt. Then switch the button to the right image and hit start. The color is now switched. (Saved this file, it will be used again)
4) Then I moved back to the left image and used the merge tab. Selected merge, and for the balance, set it to the second notch from the right.
5) Next, I opened a color gradient in the right image (click the button above the printer icon on the right side). The settings for the gradient were spiral w/o edge, start color: gray 5th frome left, end: top yellow, size 100x100.
6) I merged this gradient (in the right image) onto left image, again setting the merge balance to the 2nd from the right
7) I reopened the file that I created in step 3. I set a diagonal fade, startin on the high right
8) Then I resized the image to 88x 88.
9) Then I added a frame (using the "Frames" tab). I used a gradient frame, with the outside black, no inside color, width 6, and straight corners. This brings the image back to 100x100
10) Then I added the text. The inside of the text was set as close to Lindsay's shirt color as I could get using the basic RGB colors.
The settings were:
hue 220
For the surrounding color I used yellow- the second color in the first row. The font was magneto bold, size 14, and I positioned it at the bottom.

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