to co-mod applicants!

Aug 01, 2007 18:53

For all who apply to be a co-mod, these are what your duties would be. Plus or minus as the community develops.

Help with points.

With stamping applicants.
• Until we get about 15 members, 5 votes needed.
It will then raise from there. I will let you know when.

Updating Links.
• Includes activities, info, etc.

And for this lucky person to understand what I dont want in a Co-MOD.

To pick activities with out me.
• Unless you have permission from me. Just ask & wait for responce,
I will most likely completely agree with it.

Dont change the info, layout, or side links.
• I'm picky about html, just dont do it. :]
If at some time you would like to, ask me & we'll discuss the changes.

I'll manage the members page.
• For the most part. Other than points, just leave it to me. This may change.

I'm sure as the com grows I'll need more from the co-mod but for right now I just need a bit of a partner.
Just remember I'm in charge. This is because last time I had a co-mod, she took over. :] I wasnt too happy & thus the reason I had to switch from greatestjournal to livejournal.

I will give you the access to this account to manage & for us to communicate with for the most part. We may have to swap IMs if possible but honestly I come & go & come back & go & am up & down from my desk so dont do IMs much anymore but I do have all 3 kinds. SO! Thats that.

I will choose a co-mod tonight or the following day!

Thank you to all of you!!!

IF you want to apply see the other link.
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