Silly TF (Prowl/Jazz) stuff :D

Jul 21, 2012 23:10

Haha, I've been thinking this for a while - compare TF characters to RL actors :D I don't know why but lately I can't stop picturing Prowl as Jason Statham (more precisely his character Frank from Transporter) and Jazz as Will Smith :D (Everything is G1)

Don't ask why, I have no idea how this happened:

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prowlxjazz, writer's block, silliness, musings, tf-human, prowl, tv, g1, transformers, jazz

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Comments 13

darksirocco July 22 2012, 00:23:28 UTC
Another actor for Prowl: See Hot Fuzz-the main chara, Nick Angel, is so Prowl it blew my mind! :D


silberstreif July 22 2012, 13:35:47 UTC
Mmh, Gooood choice for Prowl. :D Will Smith for Jazz, I don't agree absolutely with, but then I can't think for another actor who resembles Jazz.
Let me brainstorm a while. ;)

Oh, about Prowl, do you know the thor movie? There was this extra, about Coulson, a special agent that is ALWAYS calm, and I SO had to think about Prowl:


pjlover666 July 22 2012, 16:00:25 UTC
Yup, loved the movie! Haha, he does resemble Prowl in character! But noooo! He dies in The Avengers movieee T.T Arrrg, it's universal - Prowl will always be the martyr D:

Haha, no idea why I picture Jazz as Will but my brain is weird at time (hell, I even considered his as Eddie Murphy XD)

ps: Hahahaha, omg - I knew Coulson must have been good in order to be recruited but LOL! :D Hahaha


crnkysnapdragon July 23 2012, 00:11:16 UTC
first time I saw this guy at work my only thought was OMG human Jazz! I have know idea what the guy sounds like and wish I could secretly get a pic for you but it is so Jazz!


pxjloverkyoto July 22 2012, 21:48:51 UTC
Will Smith as Jazz is a DEFINITE YES!! 8D But Jason Statham as Prowl...meh. *shrugs* I prefer Prowler to have hair~ LOL

Oh! OH!! If you wanna see what Prowl and Jazz would be like as humans, watch the show "Common Law"!! Look for it, YOU WILL THANK ME!!

The two main characters are SOOOO much like Prowl and Jazz, it's scary~!! >8D You'll love it!!


gracesolo July 23 2012, 04:53:53 UTC

This sneak peak of "Common Law" shows what pxjloverkyoto is talking about...I am seeing your Prowl and Jazz from "This is War" in this clip, pjlover666...

When you get a chance, message me on skype, hon, okay?




pjlover666 July 23 2012, 07:10:07 UTC
Thank you for the link!!! Lol, lol, lol hahaha - that is SO Prowl and Jazz! And they are HOT! Hahaha, lol - I'm going to watch this!!!

I'll write to you when I get back form the fishing trip later today ;) Sorry for not contacting you sooner! *hugs*


thalanee August 22 2012, 12:38:04 UTC
*apologizes for butting in, but...*

OMG, this is priceless, they ARE Prowl and Jazz, almost exactly like I imagine them when they have to work togethert, constantly bickering but really effective together... and couple's therapy had me laughing out loud.

Can't thank you enough for this!

Will Smith=Jazz is pure win!^^


tfg1001 July 25 2012, 14:06:36 UTC

Prowl definitely needs hair. I'll be thinking about his character before I get back to you. Right now, got holiday so got time to think. But I can imagine him a sweet, stuborn guy with brown hair, and red on the front, to respresrmt human 'chevron'


pjlover666 July 25 2012, 17:06:08 UTC
Hahaha, yeah, he does! :D But I was watching the movie and Frank was all about the rules and no breaking them and stuff. And so mu TF infected brain made the connection Frank - Prowl XD


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