Don’t do this at home. Just… no.
We were supposed to be making muffins together. MUFFINS. *sigh*
Three times I opened the door to greet three girl friends. Every single one of them held a wine bottle in their hands. So besides the stuff we needed for muffins, we had three bottles of wine.
Just for the record, I didn’t plan on getting drunk. But I had gotten up early that day and was super tired and had only breakfast. Aaand I’m a bad drinker.
Let it be said, muffins were made, burned, tossed, painted, and very few of them eaten.
But the wine was gone. Yup. After the traditional drunk texting (I was the only one drunk as usual -_-) I fell asleep/passed out in my bed.
3 hours later.
‘Oh god please, please, please make it stop.’ I thought, pulling the covers over my head, whimpering.
God didn’t listen.
So I picked up the phone.
Me: jdgdfgh
Friend: Alive?
Me: I have a pulse.
Friend: That’ll do. Get your ass up, we got Internal med.
Me: Uhg, can I skip? I can recite everything about the stupid kidney he keeps on blabberin’ about.
Friend: No. We’re in the Hematology and only you know where it is.
Me: Can I puke first?
Friend: Yes.
I knew I should’ve stayed in bed.
As it turned out, I was late (big surprise here) but they haven’t started because they got lost and couldn’t find the hematology. I came just when they finally found it so it was like I was never late. So far so good, right? Right…
35 minutes. For 35 minutes I stood in the hallway with 15 other med students, listening a lecture about anemia. And all I can think was:
‘Don’t puke, don’t puke, don’t puke. If you puke you will get labaled a drunk and you drink 3 times during the year which is why you can’t hold alcohol and the predicament you’re in. Don’t puke!’
When I looked up, he was STILL talking about the slagging anemia. That’s when I felt my hands go numb and I started sweating from the pain because it felt like two grizzly bears were having an all or nothing fight in my stomach. Not to mention the girl next to me had perfume. All I could smell was her perfume and it just made me want to heave more.
Luckily, he ran out of things to talk about anemia and went to check if the patients were in their rooms so we can go in an question them. A small reprieve because I was able to sit down on a chair and it felt like heaven. Of course, the people who I was drinking with last night are my class mates, so they knew exactly why I was sick and pale and sweaty. They offered going out drinking tonight again. The bastards.
Note to self: Don’t go see patients with a hangover. Just…don’t. Because if the perfume of my friend was bad, then the smell in the patient room was a whole different level. All I heard before the wonderful smell hit me was a friend say “she’s going to die here.”
It. Was. Hell.
I usually love examining patients. I LOVE IT. Especially listening to their heart valves. But this time all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beat in my ears due to the mother of all headaches.
We saw patients for the next one hour before our class was over.
And then we had an hour and a half free time until the next class would start. They went to have coffee.
I had german lessons…. How can I say in german ‘kill me now please?’ Because that’s all I wanted to ask the teacher when she asked if I had questions.
One hour of lessen, gehen, mögen and other german words and again my brain was doing ERROR ERROR.
Thank God we only have two classes today. The next class was still painfully slow. Hygiene. Wanna know what we did? We took the width and length of the room, and the windows. Don’t ask me why. Just don’t. This is the stupidest subject we have and all I could think during the class was - almost over, almost over…
And then, it was over! So, no more drinking in the next two or three months. That’s how I function, sadly. I don’t drink. But when I do even 1 gram is able to have an effect in me. Joy.
(Huh…I haven’t written here in a while and my entry had to be about alcohol… oh well)
Oh, look, photoes of the night. That's me on the ground there.
And these are our muffins. We ate, like, only three.