Aug 20, 2008 22:30
Petition for a Mutant Olympics. Y'ever heard anythin' more full o' shit? <3
screened to the Friends of Humanity:
[ Keep them protest fires fanned. ;9 ]
[ooc; the FoH will be staging protests about the olympics, calling for compulsory gene tests for the athletes and anything/everything, to keep the games fair and mutant-free, oh yes. 8D]
Jul 10, 2008 15:22
Today, the future. Tomorrow...? <3
Jun 07, 2008 03:41
Finger burns finally fadin'. An' I c'n like, sit without killin' muscles again. Irritating as fuck, that energy. Goddamn.
Would be pretty nasty if a DS, or PSP or Wiimote or somethin' exploded...
Just sayin'.
[ooc; strike deleted]
May 24, 2008 22:24
so like anyone gotta spare body i c'n borrow? this one;s defective.
ah fuck, typin's a bitch. ha. ha. ha. n the more i sleep the longer it takes isn't that unfair.
[ooc; he sparred with kirihara, per the log =v= and ended up with energy burns, as well as your generic fistfighty bruises/welts]
May 15, 2008 23:11
I know something you don't know? ♪
May 11, 2008 20:00
Met a funny kid, before. ;* What a joker <3
And the band played on.
May 02, 2008 15:08
What'cha wanna know? ;*