Hey everyone!
Since LiveJournal presumably messed around with their rich-text posting client, there seems to have been an increase in posts with messed up formatting and HTML, and many complaints of frustration with the client itself. And it seems now that LJ has removed it for use! (At least, I can't find a way to switch over to look at it.) So I figured I could write a very basic HTML guide that can help you make posts using HTML. :)
A Basic HTML Guide for Posting on
First off, you'll be wanting to pay attention to this little thing at the top of the text area where you type your post:
Unless you manually want to add breaks in your text, and make links clickable yourself, keep it unticked. That way, when you press the enter/return key in your posts, or paste links, LJ will automatically format them into breaks, and clickable links!
Now here is some HTML bits that are almost essential when posting to pkmncollectors. I won't get into bold, italics, etc., as I hope those are basic enough for mostly everyone!
A bare bones LJ cut is this:
To end a cut:
If you want to add some custom words to it:
(NOTE: You will not see your cuts when you preview your post!)
Here is how to link to an LJ user:
Here's how to make a link that is conveniently not the URL and instead some words:
words words words
The HTML to post an image:
Some image hosting services give you the HTML to post images already! I've noticed LJ added a little icon of a picture that helps out with it, too, on their HTML client.
Also I've noticed a lot of people have problems making images 500 pixels outside a cut. This is what I do so I don't have to go and resize my images too much:
(This doesn't mean you should slap a width="500" on an image that is 1000+ pixels or wider! Your image is still 1000+ pixels and a huge file size to load regardless what width size you put in. So please at least resize it a little.)
I think that's it, really! :) Feel free to ask any questions, or give your own tips in the comments below!