Holiday Auction and Sales!

Dec 27, 2010 17:04

 Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Been a while since my last post so I thought it's about time for another big post. I have been saving stuff these past months to put in my auctions and sales. This includes the zukan figures I've collected before, some rare TFGs and chess figures, loved plushes, custom bonnets, and other stuff! Please do check them out!

Sales permission grated by denkimouse   on June 13, 2010.

  • Auctions will run for one week and end on January 3, 2011 at 10 PM Philippines time. Here's the timer.
  • Offers will end until interest has died down.
  • I ship form the Philippines. Prices do not include shipping or fees.
  • I only accept PayPal:
  • I will only hold items for 48 hours after which the item will be put up again.
  • I will try to mail the items within the week but do allow delays as I have school.
  • Shipping can be combined and if you want First Class or Express mail the shipping cost will be more expensive.
  • Haggling is welcome!
  • Banned members are not allowed to participate.
  • Feedback post is here.
*For trading figures, winners can choose either a black or white base. For chess figures will have 3 random colored discs.

Shipping Prices:
  • $5 for trading figures and heavy figures.
  • $4 for chess figures, bottlecap figures and light figures.
  • $3 for miscellaneous items
  • Increment of $1 for other additional items.


Latios starts at $8
Mightyena starts at $14
Hariyama starts at $5
Geodude and Raticate start at $5 each

Mystery (unofficial third set figures)
Erika starts at $12
Bellsprout starts at $8
Golbat and Diglett start at $3 each

Rare Pearl and Crystal Figures
Eevee and Misty start at $10 each
Salamence and Meowth start at $7 each
Abra starts at $5

Zukan (1:40 scale figures)
Arceus (Electric and Ghost or Psychic not sure) start at $6 each
Hippowdon and Rotom line start at $8 each
Darkrai, Marowak and Probopass* line start at $4 each
Dusknoir line* starts at $6
Lucario line (x2) start at $3 each
*(Probopass and Dusknoir lines have broken peg but can be super glued)

Mint in Capsule Zukan
Skuntank Line starts at $4
Rampardos Line starts at $6
Quagsire line with Farfetch'd starts at $6
Purugly line starts at $4
Chimecho line with Spiritomb starts at $4
Kricketune line starts at $3


Loved plushes
Fuzzy Latias Tomy and Waillord Pokedoll
Offers start at $5 each

Custom Plusle and Minun Bonnets
Offers start at $5 each
More pictures here.

Rare Next Quest Figures
Offers start at $8 each


Next Quest figures
Top row - $7 each
Mid row - $6 each
Bottom row - $5 each
SOLD: Meowth/Trainer Red

Chess figures
Rayquaza - $6
Skitty/Blastoise* - $4
Kirlia - $3
*Blastoise has a scuff on its back. Pictures are here.
SOLD: Skitty/Blastoise/Rayquaza

TFG Bases - $1.50 each

Ensky Puzzles - $4 each
The boxes are a little worn out but the pieces are complete and in good condition. Pictures of each puzzle can be seen here and here.
ON HOLD: Puzzle 1 (Lapras and co) to pacificpikachu  / Puzzle 2 (Kyogre and co) to poptartdino

Pokemon Battle Dice - $3 each
Green dice has Meowth, Magikarp, Deoxys, Gyarados, Plusle, and Snorlax
Yellow dice has Glaceon, Mothim, Gliscor, Croagunk, Pikachu, and Azelf
Red dice has Spiritomb, Burmy, Monferno, Lopunny, Vespiquen and Infernape
SOLD: Yellow dice

Misc. Figures
Omanyte In-case figure - $7
Manaphy Movie Zukan - $4
Figure stampers - $3 each except Ditto who is $5
SOLD: Grimer, Ditto
ON HOLD: Victreebell for myprettysoldier

Zukan Pieces with bases
Weezing line with broken pegs inside them  - $4
Gastrodon line missing one Shellos - $3
Skuntank piece - $1.5
ON HOLD: Weezing line and Gastrodon line for pokepalace  | Skuntank piece for >

Aaand that's all! You can also check out my sales post to combine shipping. It has some bottlecap figures and some battle coins!


Thank you and good luck!!

hariyama, salamence, plusle, latios, meowth, arceus, pikachu, omanyte, mightyena, hippowdon, ditto, minun, clefable, zukan, grimer, latias, rotom, charizard, raticate, eevee

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