Title: Like It Used To Be
megageekRating: PG
Verse: Gameverse (Gen IV), high school AU
Characters: Barry, Dawn, Lucas
Summary: Two people can easily drift apart. It can be hard work to come back together. For
Warnings: None.
Story under the cut! )
Comments 1
The first part of the story was so cute. I loved the tapping and the way it annoyed Lucas. Speaking of which, Lucas! I've never really taken an interest to the character before but he's such an awesome character in this story. Adorable. I love how he and Dawn are lab partners and kind-of-sort-of friends and how Lucas can just point out the sorts of things like how Dawn and Barry are friends when they're sort of not. But yeah. That first part? Sooooo cute :3
And the second part too! Lucas is just so school orientated that I love him even more!
Oh, but wait, this is a Twinleafshipping fic and you did not disappoint!
I love how they sort of fall back into a friendship in the end. Barry would try and win Dawn back with some flowers.
All in all, very adorable. I know I didn't leave you with the easiest prompt so I applaud you, anon, for doing such a great job. Merry Christmas <3
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