that really does suck the big one but I suggest looking on Craigslist for the stuff that was taken - at least the computer and the camera. If you find it, call the cops and send the guy a message that you're interested in the stuff. You can do a raid! How sweet would that be?
embarrassingly late comment!maggyroseJune 4 2008, 00:29:43 UTC
wow...that sucks!! I'm glad the a-holes didn't steal you, at least.
but that reminds me...we're due for our semi-annual drink-or-two. don't be surprised if you hear from me within the next couple weeks. or feel free to beat me to it.
Comments 14
No, that's too harsh. I'd just kick him in the nuts. Over and over.
but that reminds me...we're due for our semi-annual drink-or-two. don't be surprised if you hear from me within the next couple weeks. or feel free to beat me to it.
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