Who: FWR's men and... everyone who wants in... OPEN!!
What: Yuui's house is burned down since Fay and Kurogane pissed off Fei Wong Reed. Idiots.
Where: August
When: Late at night when people are tucked into bed
Warnings: Language (the fucking house is on fire), Violence (again, it's on fire), Angst,
or rather, 'you blow up my banks, I blow up your family home' )
Comments 75
The smash was not enough to wake her, but the cry of Yuui's was. She bolted up, unable to process the world fast enough as she tried to get out of bed. She fell as the world spun, smoke filling her nose and making her delirious. Still she some how got to her feet and struggled to find the door.
"Y-Yuui?" She coughed and tried to get out, but not without gasping and running back to try and find Bluebell. She coughed and called out for the kitten, looking under the bed first to see if she had run there. And then standing up again and calling out for her. Chi wasn't going to leave with the kitten in anyway.
Breaking windows, however, never meant good news, so he ditched the idea of possibly getting a good nights sleep to start heading downstairs, sword in hand. Smoke, flickering flames, unnatural heat at this time of night, and then there was Yuui's alarmed cry before dashing across the hall. Cursing, Kanda ran over to the stairs but stopped short because of the fire. He could make it across no problem, sure, but then there was Yuui and the girl-- and the cat, yes. Lavi had left a few days ago to travel. Good. One less person to worry about.
He coughed a few times while heading back to the room Yuui had gone into to see if he and the girl were relatively unharmed. Make sure they're okay and get them out, first and foremost. Deal with whoever did this later.
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