Who: Yuui and OPEN~!
What: Yuui sleeps in later than he normally does and contemplates things before opening the bar.
Where: Around and about August.
When: Late Morning
Warnings:PG-13. Nothing to big, but subject to change depending on who shows up.
The late nights up were starting to catch up with Yuui, making him sleep later in the day. He would be lying if he said that it didn't frustrate him. There was so much to get done during the day and Chii needed to be able to sleep in more than he did. The barkeep sighed as he sat down on the window sill, sipping his tea idly. Bluebell jumped up to settle in his lap, purring contently when he started petting her. He watched the people milling about, focusing mostly on mothers with their children. A small part of him longed for a family like that, but it was something that he himself wouldn't be able to obtain. Not unless he some how ended up taking in orphans. Even then, he would be raising them pretty much alone. He never thought to bring the subject up with Kurogane. Things were far too unsettled and dangerous to bring a child into right now. That, and it just might be enough to drive the other away. There was also the fact that he was starting to yearn to leave August even more now. Without the house standing anymore, it felt like there wasn't anything left in the town to keep him there. Chii seemed settled though and he didn't want to drag her away if that was the case. And heaven forbid if Bluebell ran off while moving. The small cat would never return to them alive. Something would eat her before she got back to them. "I should move my bed upstairs. I think sleeping in the office is making me stay up late." He murmured softly to the cat to break his train of thought. It was true though. That was the main reason why he hadn't sold the house when it was just him and slept in the apartment above the bar. He would have never slept if his place of work was also his home.