(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 01:00

"At Least It's Mutual," one hundred words written for the Kara/Lee prompt "mutual masturbation isn't cheating" over at bsg_kink's drabble contest. Original post here. Mature audiences advised.

With Zak sleeping in the next room, she does her damnedest to stay quiet for once. Ambrosia buzzes though her veins, and her hand commandeers Lee's erection, kneading and tugging, her thumb rubbing over the tip to paint him in precome.

Lee even fingers like a pilot, no holds barred, aware of what the right pressure or flick of his wrist can do to her. His thumb teases her clit. She's audibly wet every time his fingers plunge deeper inside her.

"Gods, Kara."

Her breath hitches; her free hand covers his mouth. "Shut up, Lee."

It's not frakking. Just frakking up.

bsg, starbuck, fanfic, lee

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